
Unit 1 Advertising Grammar and usage(2)_ Reported speech课件(43张)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:10次 大小:380396Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件43张PPT。M4 U1 grammar Reported speechLead-inT: What did you eat this morning? Tom: ‘I ate ….’ T: What did Tom say, Jack? Jack: He said he ate ….direct speechreported speech Which one is direct speech and which one is reported speech? 1.He said, ‘I will go to school tomorrow.’ 2.She told us something secret. 3.One toothpaste ad said, ‘Bright-Teeth fights bad breath!’ 4. The students said that their basketball team is the champion. 5. She said that PSAs were meant to educate people. (direct speech)(reported speech)(direct speech)(reported speech)(reported speech)I am a beautiful girl.She said that she was a beautiful girl.直接引语:直接引用别人的话, 把它放在引号内. (direct speech) 间接引语:用自己的话转述别人的话 (reported speech)What did the girl say?直接引语和间接引语的转换在直接引语向间接引语转换的过程中,不仅要进行句式上的转换,而且常常要在时间、地点、人称等方面做相应的转换。 1、变人称: She?said.?"My?brother?wants?to?go shopping?with?me.?” →She?said _____ brother wanted?to?go shopping?with ___. 2. She said to me , “ You play basketball better than me.” → She told me that ___ played basketball better than ____. 3. He said, “She ?will come to have a long holiday with us.” →He said?that _____would come to have a long holiday with _____.?her?her I?hershethem1.He said, “I have been to Japan.” He said to us that _____. 2.She said, “I'll give you an exam .” She told us that_____.①陈述句 用连词that引导,that在口语中常省略。主句的谓语动词可直接用引语中的said, 也可用told来代替,注意,可以说said that, said to sb that, told sb. that,不可直接说 told that直接引语变成间接引语,句子结构的变化he had been to Japan.she would give us an exam 1.“We must not give up in the face of pressure!” she said. She encouraged us_____ 2. “Finish the project alone”. He said to me. He asked me_____ 陈述句式中也可用不定式短语not to give up in the face of pressure. to finish the project alone. 2.变时态 主句谓语动词通常是一般过去时,改为间接引语时要调整时态。如下表:一般过去时过去完成时不变过去将来进行时 过去进行时过去完成时过去将来时过去将来完成时 1. He said, “I’m a policeman.” He said that _____a policeman. 2. He said, “I’m playing football now.” He said that _____ playing football then. 3. He said, “I have done my homework.” He said that _____done his homework.he washe washe hadChange the following sentences into reported speech.1. ‘I haven’t brought my dictionary,’ the student said. 2. Tom said to them, ‘I will get excited.’ 3. My father said to me, ‘I am reading the book.’The student said that _____ brought _____ dictionary.Tom told them that _____get excited.My father told me that _____ reading the book. he wouldhe was he hadn’this3.变时间状语thenthat day/yesterday/on Saturday, etcthe next day/the following day/on Tuesday, etc. the day before/the previous day/on Tuesday, etc. the week after/the following week, the year before/the previous year, etc.a week before/a week earlier, etc. Change the following sentences into reported spe ... ...

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