
Unit 3 Tomorrow’s world Reading(2):Not just watching a film… 课件(39张)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:92次 大小:1337885Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件39张PPT。牛津高中英语 模块四Unit3 高一ReadingUnit3Not just watching a film (2) In this _____,the author tries to _____ the government to use _____ , which is an _____ technology that _____ to be developed further. VR not only allows users to “go”_____ in the Himalayas, but also helps people with social problems or _____, and helps people to practise skills in a _____ environment. In addition, it provides fantastic technology for _____planning. Task 1: Review (Activity 1)presentationpersuadeRealcineextraordinarydeservessightseeingdisabilitiessecureurbanQuizTask 1: Review (Activity 2)1. n. 现实,事实 2. adj. 被动的 3. n. 观光,游览 4. adj. 制胜的,获胜的 5. adj. 安全的;有把握的; 稳固的,坚固的 6. vt. 控诉,控告;谴责realitywinningsightseeingsecureaccusepassiveQuizTask 1: Review (Activity 2) ① sb. of sth. 通知某人某事 ② sb. of sth. 骗某人某物 ③ sb. of sth. 使某人确信某事 ④ sb. of sth. 治愈某人的疾病; 矫正某人的不良行为 ⑤ sb. of sth. 提醒某人某事 ⑥ sb. of sth. 使某人摆脱某事 ⑦ sb. of sth. 抢劫某人某物 ⑧ sb. of sth. 怀疑某人某事informcheatconvincecureremindridrobsuspect【归纳】【搭配】accuse sb. of sth.     指控某人某事 charge sb. with sth. 控告某人某事 blame sb. for sth. 责备某人某事 scold sb. for sth. 训斥某人某事 condemn sb. for sth. 因某事谴责某人 praise sb. for sth. 因某事赞扬某人 6. v. 使惊奇 → n. → _____adj. 7. adj. 社交的,交际的;社会的 → n.社会 → n.社会主义 → adj. 社会主义的 n. 社会主义者 → v.交友,社交amazesocialsocietysocialismsocialistsocializeamazementamazed/amazing8. vt. 伤害,损害 → n.伤害,损害;负伤 9._____ adj. 安全的 → n. 安全securitysecureinjureinjury10. adj. 自信的;肯定的,有把 握的 → n.自信心,自信 11. adj. 失望的,沮丧的 → v.使失望 → adj. 令人失望的 → n.失望confidentconfidencedisappointeddisappointdisappointingdisappointment12. n.方便,便利;便利的设 施或用具 → adj. 方便的 13. adj.城市的 → adj. 农村的convenienceconvenienturbanrural14. n.展示,介绍;颁发;提 交,出示 → v.颁发,展示,赠送,呈 献presentationpresent15.  增添,增加,(使)扩大 16. 提出,提议 17. 发出(气味、热等) 18. 事实上,实际上 19. _____ 被连接到 20._____与…相比(作状语)add to        put forward give out in reality be connected to compared to/with Group WorkGroup WorkTasks: Underline important phrases Analyze complicated sentence structures Group workGroup1.………………..1. The RealCine experience will amaze you, and you will agree that this is an extraordinary technology that deserves to be developed further.(Para1)◆ 【句析】 此句是一个_____句。后一分句中第一个that引导一个_____从句;从句中又含有一个that引导的_____句。and连接的并列 宾语 定语 Task 2: Language Points The RealCine experience will amaze you, and you will agree that this is an extraordinary technology that deserves to be developed further.( Para1) Task 2: Language Points→ …that deserves _____ _____. →…that is_____ further development further development他应受惩罚(3)He deserves _____/___/____. worthpuni ... ...

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