
Module3Unit1 Where did you go 课件

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:62次 大小:37900510Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件29张PPT。 Module3Unit1 Where did you go? 外研版(三起)五年级上册Let’s review _____ do they want? They want some eggs. _____ cheese do you want? I don't know. _____ did she go? She went to the zoo. _____ apples do you want? Four. How many How much WhatWhereNew teachingWatch and listen to the song: Where did you go?Did you go to these places?The world is like a book. If you stay at home instead of traveling, it means that you just stare at one page of a book.Let’s go out, travel around the world London Part1:Listen and chant Listen to the tape of part2自学指导一:朗读课文1遍,圈出不认识的单词并在小组内相互询问,都不会的单词,组长总结。 (时间:3分钟)Module1Unit1 Where did you go? A:Hello, Daming . How are you? D:I’m fine, thanks. What did you do at the weekend? A: We visited lots of places. D:Where did you go? A:We went to the British Museum. And we visited Big Ben and the London Eye. D: How did you go to these places? A: We went by bus. D: Did Lingling like the Museum? A: Yes, she did. But she liked the bus ride best! Then we took a boat trip along the river. It took us one hour and twenty minutes. D: Mm, you had a good day! Let's learn the words参观,拜访This is some places乘公交车游最乘(车、船等)旅行,旅程沿着小时,1hour=60minutesriverMagic eyes place howhour minute weekendbesttripalongtwentythe British Museumthe London Eyethe Big BenLook and saypratise快速说出下列动词过去式,看谁说得快!visittakegolikehave/hasvisitedwenttooklikedhad自学指导二:朗读课文1遍,试着回 答问题,不会的小组讨论,然后选出回答问题的代表 ( 时间:3分钟)Let's answer the questions1). What did they do at the weekend? They visited lots of places. 2). Where did they go? They went to the British Museum. And they visited Big Ben and the London Eye. 3). How did they go to these places? We went by bus follow the tapeRole playShow time 2人一组,分角色表演对话自学指导三:根据多媒体图片,组内讨论周末的活动,用上句型Where did you go last weekend?How did you go? What did you do there? ( 时间:5分钟)the London EyeLondonThe Great WallBeijingsupermarket Grandma's home当堂检测1。写出下列动词的过去式形式。 like( ) have( ) buy( ) take( ) visit( ) 2。读课文,填空。 (1)-What did you do at the weekend?-We visited_____places. (2)— Where did you _____? We went to the British Museum. (3)_____Lingling like the museum? -Yes, she did. (4)It _____ us one hour and twenty minutes. goliked bought took visited lots ofhad Did tookModule3Unit 1 单词 和词组句型动词过去式Summary:地方河流小时分钟参观 怎样govisittakelikedohave/has大本钟许多伦敦眼大英博物馆the Big Benlots ofthe London Eyethe British Museumplacehowminutehourriver他们在周末做了什么他们怎样去的这些地方他们去了哪儿What did theydo at the weekend?Where did they go?How did they go these places?visitedwenttooklikeddidhadvisit Homework 用句型Where did you go last Sunday?What did you do ?How did you go?写至少5句话。谢谢21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com) 中小学教育资源网站 有大把高质量资料?一线教师?一线教研员? 欢迎加入21世纪 ... ...

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