
Module 3 Food for Thought Unit 5 Think before You Eat 单元同步教案

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:100次 大小:133878Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 3 Food for Thought Unit 5 Think before you eat 教材分析 This book includes three modules, The Human Body, Colorful Life and Food for Thought, designed to help students get better understanding of their own body and the healthy life style. This is the fifth unit of the third module of the textbook. In the form of a talk, two young adults, Simon and Debbie, discuss food and eating habits. Through the study of this module, students learned about the concept of vegetarianism and the expression of related words. They can master how to express his feelings accurately and how to present his ideas or opinions. Through learning and understanding the differences between Chinese and western cultures, they can learn to be good at listening to others' opinions. 教学目标 【语言目标】 1. Learn and master the new words, phrases, sentence patterns in the text; 2. Learn to think carefully about their food choice; 3. Exercise students' sensitivity to English Numbers and the names of foods; 4. Grammar: Modal verbs; 5. How to write a report. 【能力目标】 1. Improve students' reading comprehension ability, develop their reading skills; 2. Express their opinions with the sentence patterns learned; 3. Develop students' practical ability to use English and their oral and communicative skills. 【情感目标】 1. Help students understand the differences between Chinese and western cultures, learn to respect others' beliefs, and be good at listening to others' ideas; 2. Make students learn to express themselves in authentic English. 教学重难点 1. Learn and master the new words, phrases, sentence patterns and grammar in the text; 2. Improve students' reading comprehension ability, develop their reading skills; 3. Grammar: Modal verbs; 4. How to write a report; 5. Make students learn to express themselves in authentic English. 课前准备 Multimedia, Text book, whiteboard and PPT slides 教学过程 The first period Reading Step 1 Lead-in 1. Ask Ss to make a list of what they often eat or like to eat for their daily meals. 2. elp Ss review food vocabulary (including grains, meat, vegetables, fruit, drinks, etc). 3. Have Ss do Exercise A1 and make sure they know the foods listed there. 4. Let Ss discuss the sentences about food in Exercise A2 in pairs. More sentences for reference: Eating pig brain will strengthen our brain power. F A cup of milk before you go to bed will keep you awake. F Eating some chocolate before examination will make you more energetic(精力充沛的). T Dairy products are high in calcium(钙), which is good for our bones. T Soy products (豆制品)are high in protein and antioxidants (抗氧化剂)which are good for cell repair.(细胞修复) T Vegetables that are full of fiber(纤维) are not good for your digestion(消化). F Fruits are full of vitamins which will help to nourish(滋养)your skin. T Meats, eggs, beans have no protein which is healthy for our strength. F Sweets will make us look more beautiful and sweeter. F Grain products such as bread, cereal, ... ...

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