

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:95次 大小:568293Byte 来源:二一课件通
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廉江市实验学校2019届返校考试 高三年级 英语试卷 第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 A Before one man walked upon a muddy New Jersey riverbank,baseball was a deadly game. In 1938,Phillies third-base coach Lena Blackburne happened to step into a stream in the Delaware River,and realized he found a solution for one of baseball's biggest problems. Back then balls fresh from the box were slippery and hard to control.Players tried to improve their grips (紧握力) with tobacco juice or shoe polish,but as the balls got dirtier,they just got harder to see.Batting helmets hadn't been invented yet,and players were having trouble keeping their eyes on the errant (无定向的) balls.One batter was even killed. So when Blackburne came across the slippery mud near his hometown fishing hole,his mind went straight to the field.The mud was gritty (含砂的),with the look and feel of chocolate pudding.He brought some home and found that,sure enough,it coated the ball perfectly,improving the grip without damaging the leather.When Blackburne showed the result to American League umpires (裁判员),they gave his mud a thumbs-up.By the 1950s,every major-league team was using it. Now,before every major-and minor-league game (as well as many college games),an umpire or clubhouse attendant wipes a light coat of Blackburne's magic mud on each ball used.The mud hole's location remains a closely guarded secret to this day.Only one person,Jim Bintliff,the mud's farmer,knows where to find it. 1.Before 1938,baseball was_____. A.boring B.world-famous C.dangerous D.unpopular 2.The magic mud makes baseballs_____. A.easier to control B.easier to make C.look prettier D.look bigger 3.What did American League umpires think of Blackburne's method? A.It might work. B.It was great. C.It didn't work. D.It could be improved. 4.Which can be the best title for the text? A.Baseball stars B.Baseball's secret C.Baseball rules D.Baseball's origin B I was so surprised to find so many differences in the various school systems.The differences are huge.They mainly lie in the date school starts,the age at which kids start school,grading systems and teaching methods. In Germany,school kids are given a school cone on their first day of school.It can be filled with sweets,snacks,art supplies,lunch boxes,little books and small gifts.The kids can only open it at school.On entering a school,the kids don't have to be able to write their names,although they must be able to hold a pen properly.School readiness is decided by not only physical development but also social skills. Russian children always start school on September 1st even if it's a holiday or the weekend.This is referred to as “Knowledge Day” and marks both the first day of school and the first day of autumn.Most kids bring a change of shoes to school.The classrooms of the elementary school through the ... ...

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