
Module4Unit 8 From hobby to career Grammar 同步练习

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:94次 大小:1339532Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Module4 Unit 8 From hobby to career Grammar同步练习 一、单选。 1.When you ____ at a restaurant, please order just enough food.   A. ate B. will eat C. eat D. haven eaten 2.We were watching TV _____ someone knocked at the door. A. why B. where C. when D. what 3.I _____ him the book when he _____ back. A. will give, will come B. give, comes C. will give, comes D. give, will come 4.____ I was a child, I wanted to be a doctor. A. When B. After C. Until D. Before 5.She used to _____ with her parents, but now she is used to _____ with her classmates?? ??? at school. live; living??? B.live; live???? C.living; living??? D.living; live 6.—How do you usually go to school? —I ____ take a bus, but I ____walking now. A. was used to; am used to B. am used to; used to C. used to; am used to D. used to; use to 7.There _____ a lot of red-crowned cranes in this area. ? A.was used to?? B.was used to be?? C.used to?? D.used to be 8.Linda was just going out for shopping ____ the telephone rang.   A. while B. when C. after D. because 二、连词成句。 1. get up, when, you, wake me up, please _____ she, was ill, she, when, stayed, at home _____ when, grows up, he, wants, he, to be a doctor _____ 4. I, used to, when, I, be, thin, was young _____ he, swim, used to, in the river, when, was a child, he _____ 三、阅读 "Make-A-Wish" is one of the world's most well-known charities(慈善机构). It makes wishes come true for children who have serious illnesses. It gives them hope and joy and helps them forget about their health problems and have fun. ?? ?It all started in 1980 in Phoenix, Arizona. Christopher was a –year-old boy who was very sick. He always dreamed of becoming a police officer. Tommy Austin and Ron Cox, two police officers, made his wish come true. They gave Christopher a tour of the city in a police helicopter(直升机) and made a real police uniform for him. There are four kinds of wishes children usually have: I wish to go. Children usually want to travel or go to a concert, a game or a park. I wish to meet. Children sometimes want to meet their favorite actors, singers or players. I wish to be. Some children wish to become actors, singers or police officers. I wish to have. They often want to have a computer, a game, a bike or many other things. ?? ?Let's hope more wishes will come true in the future. People who work in the charity always try for the best. Almost 25,000 volunteers(志愿者) help, work or give money. Will you be one of them? (1)"Make-A-Wish" is a charity to help_____ . ? A.?sick children?????????????B.?serious officers??????????????? C.?famous actors?????????????D.?popular singers (2)What did the two police officers do for Christopher? ? A.?They gave him a computer.?????????????????????????????B.?They gave him a tour of the city. C.?They took him to a concert.????????????????????????????D.?They took him to the hospital. (3)Which kind of wishes does Christopher have? ? A.?I wish to go.????????????????B.?I wis ... ...

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