
Unit 1 Family Lesson 3 Happy Birthday 同步练习(3份 含答案)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:61次 大小:27212Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 1 Family Lesson 3 Happy Birthday! 同步练习 一、单项选择。 1. -- Is this ? pen? -- Yes, ?. A. your; it is B. you; it is C. his; it's D. her; isn't 2. Miss Liu is ? English teacher. She teaches ? English very well. A. us; we B. our; we C. we; us D. our; us 3. Is ? your mother? What's ? name? A. he; his B. she; her C. he; her D. she; his 4. ?, he found that they were away. A. To their surprise B. To their surprising C. To his surprise D. To his surprising 5. -- Do you know ? boy over there? -- Yes, he likes playing ? basketball very much. A. the; / B. a; the C. a; / D. the; a 6. I often have ? egg and a glass of milk for ? breakfast every day. A. an; / B. a; / C. an; the D. a; the 7. How lovely Lily's dog is! ? tail is white. A. It B. It's C. Its D. Its' 8. Everyone should do ? best. A. its B. ones C. his D. their 二、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)。 1. We are in the ?(相同的) class. 2. Do you have any ?(女儿)? 3. Gina and Jenny are ?(堂姐妹). 4. Why don't you wear the blue skirt? You look ?(漂亮的、标致的) in it. 5. These tigers are very ?(强壮的). 三、默写单词。 1. 生日蛋糕 _____ _____ 2. 生日礼物 _____ _____ 3. 生日聚会 _____ _____ 4. 生日蜡烛 _____ _____ 5. 站,站起 _____ 答案: ADBA A ACD Same daughter cousin pretty strong Birthday cake Birthday present Birthday party Birthday candle Stand Unit 1 Family Lesson 3 Happy Birthday! 同步练习 一、单项选择。 1. ? collection can help ? make money. A. She; her B. His; he C. Her; her D. He; him 2. There is ? elephant there. Near ? elephant, there is ? tall tree. A. an; an; a B. a; the; a C. an; the; a D. an; the; the 3. ? woman in red had ? baby on ? Children's Day. A. /; a; the B. The; a; / C. A; the; / D. The; a; the 4. -- I think the keys are in your ? room. -- Oh, yes. They're on ? bed! A. grandparents; their B. grandparents'; their C. grandparents; theirs D. grandparents'; theirs 5. How dirty your bedroom is. You must ?. A. clean up it B. cheer up them C. clean it up D. cheer them up 6. Deborah always helps my brother and ? with ? English. A. I; our B. me; ourselves C. I; my D. me; our 7. Mr. Wu is ? English teacher. He teaches ? English. A. they; them B. their; them C. their; their D. them; their 二、单词拼写。 1. -- Is this your ? (篮球)? -- No, it isn't. 2. These women are waiting for their ?(丈夫) to come back from the war(战争). 3. ?(谁的) is this notebook? 4. Do you like the book Our ?(世界) in English? 5. Han Hong has ?(短的) black hair and she ?(戴着) glasses. 三、选出翻译正确的句子。 ( ) 1. 祝你生日快乐! A. Happy to you birthday! B. To your birthday happy! C. Happy birthday to you! ( ) 2. 今天晚上我将开生日聚会。 A. Tonight I have birthday party. B. I will have a birthday party tonight. C. I birthday party tonight. ( ) 3. 我的爸爸、妈妈和姐姐都会来。 A. My father, mother and sister will come. B. My mother, father and sister come. C. My father and mother and sister come. ( ) 4. 你来参加我的生日聚会吗? A. You will come to my birthday party. B. Will you come to my birthday party? C. You ... ...

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