

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:37次 大小:1247439Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 专题综合训练 1.我们的风筝 _____ 2.谁的卧室 _____ 3.哪一块橡皮 _____ 4.这本书 _____ 5.它的名字 _____ 6.你的课桌 _____ 7.许多水果 _____ 8.我的连衣裙 _____ 9.那些葡萄 _____ 10.那个男孩 _____ 11.我的照片 _____ 12.她的网友们 _____ 13.在他后面 _____ 14.他们的礼物 _____ 15.一些盒子 _____ 16.这些鞋子 _____ 17.谁的手表 _____ 18.每天 _____ 19.其他东西 _____ 20.什么颜色 _____ 21.照顾她自己 _____ 22.你们自便 _____ 二、按要求完成表格。 我 我们 你,你们 他 她 它 他们 主格 宾格 形容词性物主代词 名词性物主代词 反身代词 三.用所给单调的适当形式填空。 1.一Are _____ (that) bananas?一 No,_____(they) are not. 2. The doll is _____.Give it to _____(she). 3.一Is this _____ (you) watch? 一No,it’s not _____(I). 4._____ is my brother._____name is Jack.Look! The stamp are _____ (he). 5.一_____ (who) dresses are red?一_____ (they) are. 6. Here are many toys. Which one is _____ (she)? 7. May I sit beside _____ (you)? 8.Show _____(they) your kite, OK? 9. I have a beautiful cat._____ name is Mimi.These cakes are _____(it). 10. Please eat up all _____ (this) noodles if you like. 11. Shall _____ have a look at that classroom? That is _____ classroom. (we) 12._____ is my aunt. Do you know _____ job? _____ is a nurse. (she) 13. That is not _____ camera. _____ is at home. (he) 14. Where are _____ ? 1 can't find _____ . Let's call _____ parents.(they) 15. Would you like to have _____ (some) fruit? 16. _____ sister is ill. Please go and find _____.(she) 17. _____ don't know her name.Would you please tell _____?(we) 18. That is not _____ kite. That kite is very small, but _____ is very big. (I) 19. I have a lovely brother._____ is only 3. I like _____very much. (he) 20. The girl in the photo is _____ (she). 21. There isn't _____ (some) cola in the bottle. 22. Nobody teaches me English I learn it all by _____ (my). 四、用适当的疑问代词或短语填空。 1.一_____ is behind the computer? 一A water bottle. 2.一_____ _____ are your jeans? 一Blue. 3.一_____ is the woman? 一I don't know her. 4.一is the date today? 一It's the second of September. 5.一The big vest is ten yuan.- _____ _____the small one? 6.一_____ are ours, these books or those books? 7.一_____ is your mother?一 She's a waitress. 8. These aren't my shoes._____ are they? 9._____ is for lunch, Dad? 10.一_____ _____ is it today?- It's Monday. 五、选择填空。 ( )1.一_____ trousers are yours? 一_____ The black ones are _____. A. Which; mine B. Which; yours C. What colour; mine ( )2.Give _____ a glass of milk._____ glass isn't here. A. his; he B him; His C. him; his ( )3. These blouses are _____._____ are on the bed. A. hers; Yours B hers; Your C. her; Yours ( )4. There is _____ milk in the fridge. A.not B.not a C. no ( )5, The books are Helen's. Give _____ to _____,please. A.it;her B them; her C them; she ( )6_____ computer is old, but _____ is new. A. Ours; their B. Our; theirs C. Their; our ( )7.1 have two pens. One is black, _____ is blue. A. other B.another C. the other ( )8. The twins can't find _____ clo ... ...

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