

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:70次 大小:1227844Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 专题综合训练 一、翻译短语。 1.在12月22日 _____ 2.在第五个站台 _____ 3.两杯水 _____ 4.五位数学老师 _____ 5.九点半 _____ 6.六十个学生 _____ 7.三十个人 _____ 8.一张纸 _____ 9.大三岁 _____ 10.第九天 _____ 11.三点一刻 _____ 12. six past nine _____ 13. five past seven _____ 14. forty-two stamps _____ 15. twenty yuan _____ 16. three times three _____ 17. take Bus No. 5 _____ 18. the fourth desk _____ 19. six o'clock _____ 20. eight to twelve _____ 二、选择适当的单词填空。 1.I am the _____ (two, second) tallest boy in my class. 2. Tom is in Class _____ (Nine, Ninth). 3. There are _____ (fourth, four) floors in this building. 4. Usually it is very cold in the _____ (one, first) month here. 5. July is the _____ (seven, seventh) month of a year. 6. We are at school for _____ (five, fifth) days every week. 7. A man has __(ten, tenth) fingers. 8. When a man is walking. _____ (one, first) of his feet is on the ground. 9. We often have _____ ( three, third) meals every day. They are breakfast, lunch and supper. 10. There are _____ (two, second) pairs of shoes in the box. 11. There are about _____ (fifty-two, fifty second) weeks in a yeat. 12. My family is big. There are _____ (twelve, twelfth) people in it. 13. Today is the _____ (thirty, thirtieth) day in January. 14. Sometimes students don't go to school on the _____ (one, first) and the _____ (seventh, seven) months of a year. 三、用适当的数词填空。 1.“T" is the _____ letter in the word "Christmas . 2. Children's Day is on the _____ of June in China. 3. Women's Day is on the _____ of March. 4. There are _____ days in November. 5. Autumn is the _____ season in a year in China. 6. November is the _____ month of a year. 7. Jack is nine years old. Today is his _____ birthday. 8. An ant has _____ feet. 9. 1am Mary.1 have a sister. My parents have _____ daughters. 10. The _____ of September is Teachers' Day in China. 11. We know there are____ letter in the English alphabet(字母表). 12. The _____ month of a year is May. 13. Chinese National Day is on the _____ of October. 14. Twenty minus ten is _____ . 15. There are _____ months in a season. 16. Twelve and eighteen is _____ . 17. Monday is the _____ day of a week. 四,选择填空。 ( )1. There are _____ students in this class. A. forty six B forty-six C. forty-sixth ( )2. Sunday is the _____ day of the week. A. seventh B first C. second ( )3. December is the _____ month of the year. A. twelfth B twelve C. twelveth ( )4. 一What date is in today? 一It's _____ . A the June seven B. the seventh of June C. Seventh June ( )5. Mr Brown lives on _____ floor. A fifth B the fiveth C. the fifth ( )6. Xino Hui lives in _____ . A.206 Room B Room 206 C. Rooms 206 ( )7. I will be back in _____ . A. half a hour B a hour C. half an hour ( )8. There are _____ people in the room. Mr Brown is the _____ one. A. thirty; thirties B thirtieth; thirty C.thirty; thirtieth ( )9. The Yellow River is _____ longest river in China. A. the second B two C. second ( )10 ... ...

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