

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:68次 大小:768319Byte 来源:二一课件通
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37中八年级上册开学考试卷 单项选择(共10小题每小題1分共10分) 请从下列每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选 项,并在答题卡上将选定答案的字母标号涂黑。 31. Can your sisterride a bike? she learned it last year. A. Yes, I can B No l can't C Yes, she can D No, she cant 32. -what does your new classmate look like? He is really tall. He is American boy and he is good at playing A. a; the B an; the C an;/ 33. -What in the supermarket? A. did; buy B do; buy C are; buying D will; buy 34. There two chairs and a table in the room A. Has B have c is D are 35. -When did you arrive London? Monday morning A. at; At In C at: In D in; on 36. -Do you want to buy a hat or a T-shirt? A. Yes, a T-shirt b a t-shirt C. No, a hat D Yes a hat 37. does it take your mother to make breakfast? -Around 25 minutes. A. How much B How long C. How many D How far a movie with me Tom? -Yes Id like to A. see B seeing C to see D sees 39. Kate sometimes go tot school, but now she is a bike A. walks; rides B walks; isriding C walked; is riding D walk; rides 40.-Lingling, finish you homework or you cant watch TV. A. differently B easily C. luckily D quick 完形瑱空(共10小題每小題1分共10分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出 最佳选项,并在笞题卡上将选定答案的字母标号涂黑 Tiffany was a smart girl. She was good41 making cookies(曲奇饼干). She often made different kinds of cookies and gave 42 to her friends. they were very 43 with her friends. They all said those cookies werereally delicious One man wrote a 44 about Tiffany and her cookies and put it in the newsp story 45 Tiffany s different recipes(Aia)and how delicious her cookies were A lot more people got to know her cookies. One day Tiffany gota(n 40 from a man. On the phone, he said he wanted to 47 Tiffany s cookie recipes. Tiffany sold two of her recipes, one for 20, 00d dollars and 48 for 50, 0000 dollars. That's a lot 49, Tiffany didn't sell her recipe for chocolate cookies, she wanted to keep it and start her own company自己的公 B)Years later, 50 she started Tiffany Boom Cookies Inc. 41. A for B to C with 42. A. they B them C. their D theirs 43. A Important B expensive C. popular D cheap 44. A. book C rule D song 45. A listened to B got to c though of D talked about 46. A idea C email 47. A buy B forget C. D shout 48. A. another B. other C the other D. others 49. A time 8. mo one C food D exercise 50.A.50 8. but Cor D because 四、阅读理解(共20小題,5155每小题1分,5670每小题2分共35分) Pam is busy. She works from Monday to Saturday every week. And she is the mom of two children. She drink a lot of coffee. It helps her stay awake. After work, Pam cooks dinner for her family. Then she help her kids with their homework and play games with them. when it is time for bed. she tells storied to them and sends them to bed. when she goes to bed she often find it diffcult to sleep. she only gets about four hours of sleep each night. In the moming. Pam is tired. She is angry with her. She often think I ... ...

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