

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:90次 大小:121006Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2019江苏徐州小升初模拟试题(五) 一、单项选择 1.There are some interesting old ways _____ messages. A.?to send????????????????????????????????????B.?sending????????????????????????????????????C.?sends 2.We buy bananas at the _____. A.?beach?????????????????????????????B.?movie theater?????????????????????????????C.?shopping mall 3.I will go to the?????????? for lunch with my friends. A.?library??????????????????????????????????B.?restaurant??????????????????????????????????C.?museum 4.We can have a short holiday and eat moon cakes at the_____. A.?Mid-Autumn Festival?????????????????B.?Spring Festival?????????????????C.?Dragon Boat Festival 5.It's 8: 00. It's time for????? . A.?go to school??????????????????????????B.?have breakfast??????????????????????????C.?English class 6.There ?????????a pen under the book. A.?am????????????????????????????????????????????B.?is????????????????????????????????????????????C.?are 7.There isn't???????? milk in the bottle. A.?some??????????????????????????????????????????B.?no??????????????????????????????????????????C.?any 8.Look,the big elephant is _____. A.?small?????????????????????????????????????????B.?short?????????????????????????????????????????C.?fat 9.These are big????? . A.?wolf???????????????????????????????????????B.?wolfs???????????????????????????????????????C.?wolves 10.It takes about??????? to get there by train. A.?an hour and half??????????????????????????????????????????????B.?an and a half hour C.?one and a half hours???????????????????????????????????????D.?one and a half hour 11.Henry sees a black shape behind???? ?? . ??? A.?he????????????????????????????????????????????B.?him????????????????????????????????????????????C.?it 12.—_____is the music room? — It's on the first floor. A.?Who??????????????????????????????????????B.?When??????????????????????????????????????C.?Where 13.These dogs???? long tails,but that dog???? a short tail. A.?has;have???????????????????????????????B.?have;has???????????????????????????????C.?had;has 14.—Is Mrs White young? —No, she's _____. A.?old???????????????????????????????????????B.?young???????????????????????????????????????C.?funny 15.选出画线部分读音与所给音素相同的选项:/?/ A.?picnic????????????????????????????????????????B.?bike????????????????????????????????????????C.?kite 二、口语交际。从方框中选择合适的句子完成对话 16.快来补全对话。 A: Can you go with me to play ping-pong? B: I'm sorry. _____ A: _____ B: Yes. _____ A: OK. I will teach you. B: But I don't have ping-pong balls. A: _____ B: Great! _____ A. We can buy some ping-pong balls at the shop. B. Let's go. C. Can you teach me to play ping-pong? D. Do you want to learn? E. I can't play ping-pong. 三、对话排序 17.下面是Tom和Ben在说话,请根据对话顺序,把下列句子重新排列,使它成为一段流利的对话。 A Are these apples? B Have some oranges, please. C No, they aren't. D Yes, they are. E. What's in the bag, Ben? F Yes, I do. I like them very much G Are these oranges? H Do you like oranges? I T ... ...

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