
模块1 Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good Reading(1):Dying to be thin…课件(24张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:32次 大小:2053242Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件24张PPT。高中英语阅读 RISE教学模式探究M1U3Looking good, feeling goodDying to be thin...Enjoy a videoWays of losing weightoverweight and shyslim and gracefulwork out in the gymgo on a dietreceive surgical treatmenttake weight-loss pillsAmy’ storyDying to be thin...Read the e-mails and then put forward some questions about the text. Ask and answer questions one after another.Reading2. Find some words that describe Amy’s feeling.3. Is Amy’s experience common in China? 4.Do you think which is more important, looking good or feeling good ? Why?Inquiring(探究)1. Can you guess the two possible meanings of the title “Dying to be thin”?Task 11. Can you guess the two possible meanings of the title “Dying to be thin”? The title has two meanings:Amy wanted to _____very much.Amy nearly ____ because she wanted to lose weight be thindied“Dying to be thin”Find some words that describe Amy’s inner feelings.be ashamed of regretpainfulfeel better Is Amy’s experience common in China? Task 2Task 3Looking goodFeeling goodDo you think which is more important, looking good or feeling good ? Why?Task 4Sharing & ExpressingIn your opinion ,what makes a person look good and feel good?Discuss in groups and make a report.Looking good, feeing goodconfident healthy energeticregular exercisehealthy dietpolitepositiveenough sleepkindenough sleephealthy dietregular exerciseGood mannersTo be helpfulTo be positiveTo be kindHealth is much more important. Homework Improve your opinions about what makes a person look good and feel good. Thanks

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