
高考英语语法专题复习--Revise the Noun Clause名词性从句 课件(28张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:30次 大小:11569400Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件28张PPT。Revise the Noun Clause名词性从句复习Learning goals: At the end of this period, you will be able to : have a better command of what a Noun Clause is. make practical use of that, whether/if and what. Enjoy a songAlthough loneliness has always been a friend of mine I'm leaving my life in your hands People say I'm crazy and that I am blind, risking it all in a glance How you got me blind is still a mystery I can't get you out of my head Don't care what is written in your history I don't care who you are Where you're from What you did As long as you love me Enjoy a songAlthough loneliness has always been a friend of mine I'm leaving my life in your hands People say I'm crazy and that I am blind, risking it all in a glance How you got me blind is still a mystery I can't get you out of my head Don't care what is written in your history I don't care who you are Where you're from What you did As long as you love me I'm crazy and that I am blind,How you got me blind what is written in your historywho you are Where you're from What you did 宾语从句(object clause) 主语从句(subject clause) 宾语从句 (object clause) 名词性从句 noun clause 主语从句 subject clause 宾语从句 object clause 表语从句 predicative clause 同位语从句 appositive clauseRecall what has been learnt 连接词that ,whether, if引导从句,不充当成分连接 代词what(ever),which(ever), who(ever),whom(ever), whose引导从句, 充当主、宾、表、 定连接 副词when(ever),where(ever), how(ever), why, because引导从句,充当状语what(ever),A Game of Competition In the following part, you who are divided into 6 groups will see an apple tree, on which each apple has a problem for you to solve. Each group is expected to compete with others to pick the apple and answer the questions in it. The bigger apple you pick and answer the questions in the apple, the more points you may get. Are you ready to win the game?3223Play the Game1451GO11 pointDo you really think _____people propose a toast for his popularity? It’s the power in his hands.你以为别人敬他酒是敬他的人缘?那是敬他手中的权利。(that) 宾语从句——— Adele 1. At least I can say _____I have tried to tell you I am sorry for breaking your heart. 2. It’s no secret _____ both of us are running out of time. 我们俩已经没有时间了,这不是秘密。 ?(that)that2 2 points宾语从句主语从句3 3 points你以为别人敬他酒是敬他的人缘?那是敬他手中的权利。丁义珍 市长,贪官用所给词组句: Ding’s wearing an LV leather belt, indication, a corrupt officialDing’s wearing an LV leather belt is an indication that he is a corrupt official.同位语从句What surprised us is that the bed and the fridge are filled with money .让我们感到吃惊的是,床里冰箱里塞的都是钱。4 4 points表语从句55 pointsThat the President XiJinping shows a deep love for his wife sets a good example to all the other men. 主语从句习大大深爱着彭麻麻给其他男人树立一个良好的榜样。Do you really think (that) people propose a toast for his popularity? It’s the power in his hands. At least I can say (that) I have tried to tell I am sorry fo ... ...

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