
Unit10 Money(单元知识检测含答案课件4份打包)北师大版

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:78次 大小:6960640Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 单元知识检测 教材回扣 Ⅰ.用本单元所学短语完成句子 1.We’ve had to           (推迟) our wedding until September. 2.She started a degree but             (退学) after only a year. 3.He has been                (失业) for nearly two years. 答案:1.put off 2.dropped out 3.out of work  4.The rich man said that he would           (赠送) most of his money to the poor children in this area.? 5.It is reported that the young couple are going on a trip in Europe          (目前).? 答案:4.give away 5.at present Ⅱ.课文缩写填空   A lot of people are 1.     (determine) to become a millionaire.They spend half their time dreaming up ways of getting rich,and the rest of their time thinking about all the 2.     (enjoy) things they would do once they got rich.Actually,some millionaires continue 3.     (concern) about money,so they are hardworking to make sure they never lose it!4.    ,there are people who don’t want to have too much money.Charles Gray is one of them.Charles Gray was 5.     millionaire sixteen years ago,but there were certainly no signs that Charles was a rich man!He was 6.     (tire) of being a person who had everything in a world where many people had nothing.So he 7.     (give) all his money away to charities.Charles now lives in a small dormitory room 8.     there is only second-hand furniture.Though he has given away all his money,he lives a 9.     (happy) life than before.He was 10.    (please) to give up the lifestyle of a rich man.When asked whether there were any things he missed,he replied he wouldn’t go back to being rich for anything.? 答案:1.determined  2.enjoyable 3.to be concerned 4.However 5.a 6.tired 7.gave 8.where 9.happier 10.pleased 语境活用 Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.The pressures of “time”and “destination”are further blocks to      (aware).(2018天津,阅读理解D)? 2.She is determined     (carry)on with her education. (2017全国Ⅲ,语法填空)? 3.When all those had been done,the road surface      (replace). (2017全国Ⅱ ,语法填空)? 答案:1.awareness 2.to carry 3.was replaced 4.She stayed in England for two years,so she could speak English      (fluent).? 5.The leaders are discussing something      (concern) global warming. 6.The boy was so clever that he was admitted into an      . (advance) class.? 7.My friend invited me to enjoy the       (amuse) performance that night.? 答案:4.fluently 5.concerning 6.advanced 7.amusing 8.The boy is an intelligent student,but he lacks     (motivate). 9.The leader refused to make a comment     the present situation. 10.Could you tell me when the universe came into     (exist)?? 答案:8.motivation 9.on 10.existence 答案:1.taste后加a 2.去掉it 3.将determining改为determined 4.将concerning改为concerned  Ⅱ.单句语法改错 1.Join us to taste variety of fresh local food and drinks. (2018全国Ⅲ,阅读理解A) 2.If it ... ...

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