
Unit1 What’s he like A let’s learn 优课 教学设计 同步练习

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:96次 大小:20889883Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit1 What’s he like A Let’s learn 人教版(PEP)五年级上册 >>Let's chant Who is he/she I have a friend. He/She is _____. Her/His name is _____. short and thin quiet cute tall and strong friendly Guess blue glasses long hair short hair brown shoes He/She has _____. music maths art English science …class Look and say Who are they Oliver These are our teachers. >>Lead in Zhang Peng is introducing the teachers to Oliver. (介绍) Englis teacher Miss White d n k i kind 体贴的,慈祥的,宽容的 This is my English teacher. She is Miss White. She is kind. Who’s your maths teacher Mr Li. Is he kind No, he isn’t. He is strict. 要求严格的,严厉的 s t i t c r strict art teacher Mr Jones He is ____. old young × young年轻的,岁数不大的 Who’s your art teacher Mr Jones. Is he young Yes, he is. music teacher Mr Young He is ____. old l o d old old老的,年纪大的 Who’s your science teacher Miss Green. Is she young Yes, she is. She is funny,too. 滑稽的,可笑的 Miss Green funny y f u n n >>Watch and imitate Oliver: Who’s your art teacher Zhangpeng: Mr Jones Oliver: Is he young Zhangpeng: Yes, he is. >>Let's read young kind strict funny old funny young old kind strict kind Game Mr Young, Mr Young. Is he young Is he young No,no,no. No,he isn't. >>Let's chant Miss Green, Miss Green. Is she funny Is she funny Yes,yes,yes. Yes,she is. >>Let's chant Mr ____, Mr _____. Is he ____ Is he _____ No,___,____. ___,he _____. Miss ____, Miss _____. Is she ____ Is she _____ Yes,___,____. ___,she _____. 看图片说句子 例:Mr Young is old >>Practice She is young.She is funny. She is a science teacher. Who is he/she He is young.He is strict. He is a maths teacher. He is old.He is kind. He is a music teacher. >>Look and say Who's your____ teacher Is she/he____ Yes,_____/No,_____. old young kind strict funny a music teacher an English teacher an art teacher a science teacher a maths teacher Miss Green Miss White Mr Li Mr Young Mr Jones _____is our _____ teacher. He/She is _____. He/ She has_____. I like him/her very much. >>Pair work He is…. He has…. She is…. She has…. tall, strong, short, thin, old, young, funny, kind, strict, friendly, quiet… long/short hair, small/big eyes/nose/mouth/ears, … Mr/Miss/Mrs _____ is my _____ teacher. >>Let's say >>Ask and answer Who’s Mrs Smiths She’s the head teacher. She’s tall. She’s strict. ( ) 1. Mrs Smith is the science teacher. ( ) 2. Mrs Smith isn’t strict. ( ) 3. Mrs Smith is tall. T F F >>Let's check Who’s Mrs Smith 在西方国家中,对未婚女子称呼为Miss+姓,对已婚 女子称呼为 Mrs +姓.如果不知道对方已婚或未婚, 就称呼为Ms +姓。 >>Let's read Who's your head teacher Who’s … She’s / He’s the _____. He’s/She’s _____. He’s/She’s _____. A:Who’s Mr/Miss/ Mrs… B: He / She is our _____ teacher. He /She is _____. He / She is _____. 根据任课老师实际情况,编练新对话。 >>Let's say old young funny kind strict Draw and write your favourite(最喜欢的) teacher. This is , our teacher ... ...

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