
(人教版)高中英语选修七同步练习,补习资料:Unit 1 Living wel话题语言应用——“自强不息”写作练习

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:14次 大小:54534Byte 来源:二一课件通
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话题语言应用———自强不息 语言积累 交际用语 1. 表示祝愿和祝贺   Congratulations! 祝贺你!              I’m very pleased for you. 我很满意。 All the best.(祝你)一切顺利!           I wish you success. 祝你成功! I hope it goes well for you. 愿你一切顺利。     That’s wonderful/ amazing. 太好了。 Good luck! (祝你)好运!  Well done! 干得好!  I’m proud of you. 我为你骄傲。   I want to express my sincere congratulations on... 衷心祝贺你...... I’m very impressed by your performance. 你的表演给我很深印象。 2. 有礼貌地表达个人观点 I hope you will not mind...希望你不介意......   I wonder if... 我想你是否...... It would be...  ......会......            It would help to ... 这样会有助于...... I’d like to suggest that... 我建议......      Perhaps there could be...也许会有......   Thank you for reading my letter. 感谢你读我的信。   I hope my suggestions will meet with your approval. 希望你能赞成这些建议。 话题语句(1) 1.有关残疾(disability)的词句: mental disability心理缺陷,智力障碍 physical disability 生理缺陷 developmental disability 发育不良 emotional disability 情感缺陷 learning difficulty 学习困难 hearing problem 听力问题 difficulty with eyesight 视力困难 brain injury 脑损伤 loss of an arm or leg 失去了一条手臂或腿 infantile paralysis 小儿麻痹症 walking difficulty 行走困难 color blindness 色盲 sleep disorders 睡眠紊乱 depression 抑郁 2. 形容词 blind 失明的 dumb 哑的 deaf 聋的 lame 跛足的 paralyzed 瘫痪的 near-sighted 近视的 weak-sighted 弱视的 sighted 看得见的 hearing-impaired 听力损伤的 the disabled = disabled people 残障人士,残疾人 able-bodied people 体格健全的 3. 辅助设施 braille 盲文 guide dog ?导盲犬 hearing aid 助听器 walking frame 辅助行走器 walking stick 拐杖 hand rails 扶手 wheelchair 轮椅 sign language 手语 4. 有关“残疾”的描述 Disabilities can be visible or invisible. 残疾可以是可见的或不可见的。 People with invisible disabilities don’t look disabled. 有不可见的残疾的人外表看不出残疾。 Depression, sleep disorders and learning difficulty are invisible disabilities. 抑郁、睡眠紊乱和学习障碍都是不可见的残疾。 Symptoms 症状: weak and can’t run or climb stairs as quickly as others 虚弱,不能像别人一样跑或爬楼梯 clumsy and drop things or bump into furniture 笨拙,拿不牢东西,磕碰到家具 get out of breath after running just a short way 跑一小段路就上气不接下气 have to stop half way up the stairs and rest before getting up to the top 还没到顶楼,刚爬到一半就不得不停下来休息 too weak to go to school 过于虚弱不能上学 话题语句(2) 1. 有关“自强不息” learn to adapt to my disability 学会适应残疾 overcome the difficulties 战胜困难 make a contribution to the society 为社会做贡献 never feel sorry for himself 从不为自己伤心/遗憾 live as rich and full a life as you do 尽可能和你一样过得丰富而充实 To live one day at a time. 活一天算一天(at a time 每次,在某时) We can achieve whatever we decide to do. 我们决定做的事就会做成。 Disability has helped me grow stronger psychologically and become more in ... ...

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