
Unit 3 Weather Lesson 15 课件(16张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:66次 大小:4621194Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件16张PPT。 Unit 3 Weather Lesson 15It's today. niceIt's nice today.Let's go to the park.Let's play on the slide. Let's play on the swing.1.Read and circle. 2.Role play .Let's go to the park!OK!Let's _____.OK!play on the swingLet's _____.OK!play on the swingLet's _____.play on the seesawOK!Let's _____.OK!ride a bikeOK!Let's _____.row a boatLet's _____.OK! play footballShow Time(表演) 1.Beautiful pronunciation, intonation and full emotion.(语音语调优美,有感情) 2.Speak loudly.(声音洪亮) 3.Beatiful body language.(肢体动作优美) 4.Add new sentences and create a new dialog.(加入新句子,创新对话) What do you want to do? -I want to _____.happyWhen It's nice,We should go outside more and do more exercise. (户外活动).It can make you heathy(健康) and happy(快乐) .Homework:(家庭作业)1.Listen and read lesson 15 two times.( 对话读两遍)2. Invite your friends to go to the park and play.(邀请你的朋友). Let's_____.Thank you !

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