ID: 6133050

Unit 6 Summer Vacation story time 教材分析课件(23张PPT)

日期:2024-11-01 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:64次 大小:53968815B 来源:二一课件通
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    课件23张PPT。新起点英语六年级下Unit 6 Story Time英语课程标准 2级 总目标:能在图片的帮助下听懂、读懂并讲述简单的小故事。 听:能听懂简单的配图 小故事。 说:能在教师的帮助下讲述简单的小故事。 读:能借助图片读懂简单的故事或小短文,并养成按意群阅读的习惯。学业标准:能读懂题材或体裁多样的 短文(150词左右)或配图故事(240词左右的童话故事、科幻故事、社科小文章、人物传记等)并能借助一定的阅读策略促进深入理解。思考:通过故事,帮助学生掌握基本的英语语言知识,发展基本的英语听、说、读、写技能,初步形成用英语与他人交流的能力,进一步促进思维能力的发展,同时提高学生的综合人文素养。更注重 深层的理解 自主的学习 连贯的思维流利的表达高年级的故事教学:A项以小故事的形式复现以前学过的词汇和功能句,让学生在欣赏故事的过程中体会重点词汇和功能句在语境中的运用。教学内容分析B项的排序练习帮助学生更好地理解故事大意。C项为拓展活动,学生可以复述或表演故事。教学内容分析三、教学目标1、能够借助图片和其他阅读策略读懂故事,并完成B项排序任务。 2、能够在小组合作中借助图片和关键词复述或改编故事。 (A、B层次学生复述故事;C、D层次分改编故事。) 3、能够懂得合作的重要性。Teaching procedures⊙ Pre-reading⊙ While-reading⊙ Post-readingGame PredictionPreparation-activity游戏激趣 进入角色 * What can you see? * Where are they? * What’s the weather like? * How does the lion feel?Teaching procedures⊙ Pre-reading⊙ While-reading⊙ Post-reading1. Read two pictures and answer the quest ions.引导学生有目的地去读, 使学生融入故事,感受故事。Why did the lion agree to go together? Why did the snail want to eat the fruit?Teaching procedures⊙ Pre-reading⊙ While-reading⊙ Post-reading1. Read two pictures and answer the quest ions.2. Read the whole story and finish part B. 先读故事再完成习题,既检测了自主学习情况,又培养了他们的思维理解能力和记忆能力。243651What animals did they meet on their way?Teaching procedures⊙ Pre-reading⊙ While-reading⊙ Post-reading1. Read two pictures and answer the quest ions.2. Read the whole story and finish part B. 3. Read the story again and picture the story. Draw the line of the lion and snail.elephantzebrabuzzardtree40km20km★●●●★How did the lion and the snail find the magic tree? Teaching procedures⊙ Pre-reading⊙ While-reading⊙ Post-reading1. Read the story in group. 2. Retell the story. 3. Discuss the story. Read the story分小组读,分角色读 提高阅读兴趣,培养朗读能力, 让他们再次感受故事。Retell the story with your friends. Share Time1.Could the lion or the snail get the magic fruit alone? Why or why not? 2.What have you learnt from the story?情感渗透, 开拓视野。Homework:Retell the story Finish the card. 8/17/2019 板书设计8/17/2019在目标上在学法上在教法上注重多元智能的训练 教学反思注重阅读策略的培养注重思维能力的培养8/17/2019THANK YOU ... ...

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