
科普仁爱英语七上Unit 2 Looking DifferentTopic2 What does she look like Section B课件20张

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:22次 大小:3568212Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件20张PPT。Unit 2 Topic 2 Section B What does she look like?Do you have sharp eyes?Have a try! 考考你的眼力吧What color can you see?Ask and answer (use as many structures as you can)What color …? Where is…from? Where does …come from? What does …look like? Is …?/Are …? Does …? . . .CubaJapanCanadaAmericaJimPeterAliceLisathree mena manLook and learn a womantwo womenAsk and answer or describe themThe following may help you: --What does the woman /the man/the boy /the girl look like? --She /He has … She /He is… Her /His…is /are…youngoldgive the letter to Maria.lettergive Maria the letter.Listen and fill.Here is a _____ for Maria. She is in Class ___,Grade _____. She is ____. Her hair is ____ and _____. The ____ will give the letter to her.letterFourSeventallbrownshortgirl1a Look ,listen and say.Read 1a and practice the conversation. Then make up a new one.A: … B: … What … look like? A: … tall/short …, …has … B: I see. … give … to… A: … B: …Key words:flowersMiss WangMr. OldJackMrs. White Listen to the passage and color the snowman.Listen again and answer the following questions. Does the snowman have black eyes? _____ 2. What color is his nose? _____ 3. Does he have short arms?_____ 4. Does he have hair?_____No, he doesn’t.It’s red.Yes, he does.No, he doesn’t.ProjectDraw a snowman by yourself. Color it . Describe your snowman.Summary词汇:give ... to..., look like, tall, young, sorry, will, letter, snowman句子:What does she look like? She has red hair and long legs. I don’t know her. I don’t have big eyes.Draw a picture of your dad /your mom/your sister/your favorite actor... Introduce him/her.HomeworkGoodbye

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