
科普仁爱英语九上Unit 2 Topic 1 Pollution has caused too many problems Section A课件26张

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:16次 大小:1824613Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件26张PPT。Unit 2 Saving the Earth Topic 1 Pollution has caused too many problems. Section ALearning aims1.掌握本课的重点短语和句型。 2.巩固一般过去时和现在完成时的用法区别。 3.复习系动词的用法。 4.正确使用there be sth./sb. doing sth. 来表达“有某人/物正在做某事”。 5.了解环境污染的严重性,并树立环保意识。 自主预习 英汉互译 1. 西山 _____ 2. have a pinic _____ 3. 两年前 _____ 4. lots of ____ 5. see sb./sth. doing sth. _____ 6. 一些化工厂_____ 7. pour … into … _____ 8. 废水 _____ 9. cut down _____ 10. There be sb./sth. doing sth. _____ 11. What a mess ! _____ 12. 多可惜啊!_____ 13. Sounds great. _____ 14. 气味真难闻。 _____ 15. The flowers and grass have gone. _____ 16. 一切都变了。_____ 自主预习 英汉互译 1. the West Hill 西山 2. have a pinic 去野餐 3. two years ago 两年前 4. lots of 许多 5. see sb./sth. doing sth. 看见某人/某物正在做某事 6. several chemical factories 一些化工厂 7. pour … into … 把…倒入… 8. waste water 废水 9. cut down 砍倒 10. There be sb./sth. doing sth. 有某人/某物正在做某事 11. What a mess ! 多么脏乱啊! 12. What a shame ! 多可惜啊! 13. Sounds great. 听起来真棒! 14. It smells terrible. 气味真难闻。 15. The flowers and grass have gone. 花和草都消失了。 16. Everything has changed. 一切都变了。 Have you ever had a picnic?Kangkang, Jane, Maria and Michael are planning a picnic for Sunday. They will go to the West Hill.What can you see there?We can see bees and butterflies dancing.beebutterfly Is the West Hill beautiful?Guess a place withbeautiful flowersBrainstormmany hillsgreen treesWhat a shame/mess! The flowers and grass have gone!butterfliesclean waterbeessome fisha rabbitThe flowers and grass have gone! Oh, my goodness. What a mess!Look! There are several chemical factories pouring waste water into the stream.= have disappeared.Is it beautiful now? What has happened there?P27 1a mp3waste water waste paper Waste water. 浪费水。 Don’t waste paper. 不要浪费纸。wasteadj. v.There are several chemical factories pouring waste water into the stream.有几家化工厂正在往小溪里排放废水。 There be…doing sth… ……有……在做某事e.g. There are some people waiting for the bus at the bus stop. 倒出;倾泻 pour… into… 把……倒入…… e.g. Pour red wine into the glass.1b Listen to 1a and mark the words with P (Past) or N (Now). ____ beautiful ____ butterflies ____ dirty ____ grass ____ terrible ____ factory ____ bees ____ fresh ____ clean ____waste waterPPNPNNPPPN1c Read 1a and complete the sentences in the table. Then retell 1a to your partner.beautiful placelots of flowers and grassfresh and the water was cleanbees and butterflies dancingThe flowers and grassso dirtyterriblechemical factorieswaste waterEverythingLanguage points …you could see bees and butterflies dancing. 你还能看见蜜蜂和蝴蝶在飞舞。 点拨: see sb./sth. doing sth. 看见某人/某物正在做某事 对比: see sb./sth. do sth. 看见某人/某物做了某事(全过程) 拓展:类似的动词还有 hear, watch, find, feel … e.g. (1) I saw Jack _____ soccer there when I walked past the playground. A ... ...

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