
Unit 8 Natural disasters 基础知识训练(含答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:12次 大小:1217024Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 8AUNIT8 Natural Disasters基础知识训练 一. 词汇运用 1. Mr Wang’s _____ (女儿) wants to be a doctor in the future. 2. It is said that the famous singer was born in a small ____(村庄) in Sichuan. 3. The ____ (洪水) washed away their houses. 4. Hurry up! All the ____ (长途汽车) are waiting for us. 5. I have got a _____ (头痛). I need to see the doctor. 6. Who ate _____ (完全地) my ice cream? I wanted to give it to my sister. 7. I’ve looked for my money_____ (到处), but I still can’t find it. 8. Our English teacher didn’t go to school yesterday because of ____ (头痛). 9. People looked at each other in _____ (恐惧). 10. I enjoy the life in the ____ (乡下). It makes me feel comfortable there. 11. When you are in danger, it is important to make you not ____ (紧张不安的) and calm down. 12. A number of car ____(事故)happened in the street because of the foggy weather. 13. Tom had a bad cold, and the ____(牙痛) made him uncomfortable. 14. Wait here for a ____(片刻 ). I’ll be back soon. 15. His _____(心脏) is beating faster and faster because of the coming speech. 16. Because of the terrible ____(灾害), the boy lost his life. 17. It is said that the bad milk power_____(引起)the death of over30 babies. 18. How many_____(工作日) are there in your company? 19. Please keep ____( 沉默的) while you are watching a film. 20. ____(由于) you are new here, I will make Max show you around our workplace. 二.词汇运用 1.The _____ (excite)people all stood up and cheered for Fu Yuanhui. 2.He talked _____ (loud) after the teacher left the classroom. How noisy! 3. The policeman took the little girl _____(safe) to her parents. 4. The earth_____(shake) hard and the house came down. 5. The hunter said he saw a _____(really) tiger in the forest, but nobody believed him. 6. People walked in all _____(direct) after getting off the bus. 7. No one stayed _____(live) after the air disaster. 8. Yesterday the star was ____ (trap) in the lift. 9. The noise became even ____( loud) than before. 10. May I know your _____(grandson) names? 11. He was too shy to speak ____( loud) enough. As a result, no one could hear him. 12. Tom failed in the exam, because most of his answers were ____( correct). 13. The weather will become _____(bad) on Monday than today. 14. I can hear the boys shouting outside _____( noise). 15. Finally, the noise and _____(shake) ended. But I found I was trapped. 16. He _____(near) fell off the ladder when he saw a policeman coming to him. 17. The earthquake happened in 2008 and many people were ____(terrible) hurt. 18. Doctors always ____(advice) us to eat more fruit and vegetables. 19. We heard angry ____(shout)coming from the flat below. 20. I couldn’t fall ____(sleep) because I drank too much coffee in the daytime. 三. 动词填空 1. When I met Miss li in the street yesterday, I stopped ____(talk) to her. 2. They ____(plan) their trip in the whole night so they couldn’t get up this morning. 3. The number of rare cranes ____(get) ... ...

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