
Unit 11 Weather 同步练习(6个课时 无答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:40次 大小:103936Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit11 Weather Lesson1堂清 选出下列每组单词种不同类的一项。 ( )1. A. snowy B.weather C.sunny ( )2.A. form B.museum C.ride ( )3.A. Paris B.Sydney C.China ( )4.A. Monday B.Friday C.July ( )5.A. rain B.warm C.sunny 英汉互译。 weather report _____ 2.看电影_____ dark clouds _____ 4.举办派对_____ ride horses _____ 6.吃晚饭_____ look for _____ 8.听_____ 单项选择。 ( )1.What are we _____ to do today? A. goes B.go C.going ( )2.I’m_____going to do it tomorrow. A.no B.not C.don’t ( )3.It’s going to be_____. A.sun B.sunny C.suny ( )4.What _____she going to do ? A.does B.is C.are Unit11 Weather Lesson2堂清 选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项,将序号填在题前括号内。 ( )1.A.ride B.jump C.fun ( )2.A.February B.night C. July ( )3.A.Paris B.Sydney C.China ( )4.A.foot B.food C.mouth 二、选词填空。 They are looking _____ some fruit. Let’s go _____ the shop this afternoon. I am going to have lunch _____ a restaurant. Does your brother go to school _____bike? 情景交际。 ( )1.好朋友帮你解决了数学难题,你应说: _____ A.Thank you B.You are welcome. ( )2.你很久没见自己的叔叔了,见面后你应说:_____ A.How old are you ? B.How are you? ( )3.骑自行车旅行很有趣,你应说:_____A.This is fun. B.This is bad. ( )4.想表达“北京明天是阴雨天”,应说:_____ Beijing is going to be rainy tomorrow. Beijing is going to be snowy today. at for by to Unit11 Weather Lesson3堂清 根据汉语意思写单词,补全句子。 这只熊又冷又饿。 The bear is _____and _____. 他打算去和朋友约翰玩。 He is going to _____ _____ his friend John. 他们打算去做什么? _____ are they going _____ _____ ? 我很好,谢谢你。 I’m _____. _____you. 我打算呆在家里。 I’m going to _____ _____ home. 连词成句,注意大小写。 are what doing you (?) _____ 2.at clouds the look dark (!) 3.going she’s to a horse ride(.) _____ 4.going be is sunny to it (?) _____ 5.she what is to do going(?) _____ Unit11 Weather Lesson4堂清 问答匹配。 ( )1.What is Ann going to do ? A.I’m going to the park. ( )2.Is he going to play basketball? B.Yes,it is. ( )3.What’s the weather like in Hong Kong ? C.She is going to play cards. ( )4.What are you going to do tomorrow? D.It’s sunny. ( )5.Is it going to rain? E. Yes,he is. 连词成句。 she what is to going do(?) _____ he’s a horse to going ride(.) _____ you do what are going to (?) _____ but be it’s to going this sunny afternoon(.) _____ Mocky what’s like the weather(?) _____ going it’s to windy be (.) _____ at clouds the look dark (!)_____ Unit11 Weather Lesson5堂清 选出下列每组单词中画线部分发音不同的一项。 ( )1.A.cake B.watch C.space ( )2.A.room B.book C.moon ( )3.A.kite B.ride C.music ( )4.A.good B.school C. look ( )5.A.spoon B.room C. cookies 选择。 ( )1.很久没见自己的叔叔了,见面后应该怎么说_____ A.How old are you? B.How are you ? ( )2.根据要表达“北京明天是阴雨天”应说_____ A.Beijing is going to be rainy tomorrow. B.Beijing is going to be snowy today. ( )3.骑自行车很有趣,应说_____ A.This is fun. B.This is bad. ( )4.What shall I do? A.可能 B.必须 C.应该 ( )5.It’s going to be warm. A.阴雨天 B.晴天 C ... ...

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