
Unit3 Would you like to come to my birthday party lesson16达标测试(含听力书面材料及答案)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:46次 大小:1737492Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit3 Would you like to come to my birthday party? Lesson16 一、Listen and number. 听录音,给下列图片排序。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、Listen and judge. 听录音,判断正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。 ( ) 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. 三、Listen and write.听录音,补全对话。 Uncle: What 1. _____ of cake would you like/ Mary: I’d like a 2. _____ cake, please. Uncle: What shape would you like? A star-shaped?cake??or a heart-shaped?cake? ?Mary: I’d like a star-shaped?cake. 3. _____ nice! Uncle: Yes, it 4. _____ lovely. Mary: 5. _____ get some 6. _____ 7. _____, too. Uncle: OK, and I’ll get some jelly 8. _____ you. Mary: Thanks you. Can we get some 9. _____? Uncle: 10._____. 四、Look and match. 给下列单词或短语连线图片。 fruit?pie?? ?jelly star-shaped?cake??? heart-shaped?cake?? 五、Read and choose. 给问句选择正确的答语。 ( ) 1. What?kind?of?cake?would?you?like ( ) 2. Can?I?have?some?ice?cream?? ( ) 3. Would?you?like?to?come?to?my?birthday?party?? ( ) 4. Can I help you? A. Sure.?I’d?love?to?.?????????B. ?I'd?like?a?chocolate?cake. C. Yes. I’d like some apples. D. Sure. 六、Read and write. 根据首字母提示完成下列句子。 1. —What k_____ of colour do like best? —Black. 2. Can I have some ice c_____? 3. I’d like some c_____ to eat, because it’s sweet. 4. —What t_____ is it? —It’s eight o’clock. 七、Read and write. 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. They need some _____(jelly) for the party. 2. Look! It’s _____(a) ice cream. 3. Each student _____(get) some candy at the party. 4. I am writing some _____(invite) cards. 5. Can I have _____(some) water? 6. Here _____(be) some books for you. 八、Look and write. 看图填词或短语,完成小对话。 —_____ cake would you like? 1. —I’d like a star-shaped?cake. —What’s this? 2. —It’s _____. —Can I have some _____? 3. —Sure. —Mum, I like _____. Can I have some? 4. —Sure. 九、Read and choose. 选择正确的答案。 ( ) 1. I _____ have ___ English party this weekend. A. will; an B. an; an C. would; a ( ) 2. We’d like some _____. A. oranges pie B. apple C. orange pies ( ) 3. Would you like some _____? A. hot dog B. tomato C. water 十、Read and choose. 读短文,选词或短语完成短文。 some candy have a good time celebrate invite have a party birthday have a picnic name My 1._____ is Tom. My birthday is on June(六月) 1st. It’s also Children’s Day in China. I usually 2. _____ with my friends. Sometimes my parents and I 3. ____ in the park. Tomorrow is Saturday. It’s my 4. _____. I 5. _____ my friends Mary, Dick and Tony to 6. _____ together. My mum buys a heart-shaped cake and 7. _____ for us. We will 8. _____ tomorrow 听力书面材料及参考答案 一、2, 1, 4, 3 , 5 二、1. T 2. T 3. F 3. F 三、1. kind 2. fruit 3. How 4. looks 5. Let’s 6. ice 7. cream 8. for 9. candy 10. Sure 四、 fruit?pie?? ?jelly star-shaped?cake???heart-shaped?cake? 五、1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C 六、1. kind 2. cream 3. candy 4. time 七、1. jelly 2. an 3. gets 4 invitations 5. some 6. are 八、1. What kind of 2. a heart-shaped?cake? 3. ice creams 4. candy 九、1. A 2. C ... ...

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