
Unit 1 How can I get there? PA Let’s talk 表格式教案

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:16次 大小:18446Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 1 How can I get there? Period A Let’s talk The analysis of the teaching contents: The topic of this unit is "How can I get there?" It’s about asking the ways to different places. The topic is deeply related to students’ daily life, so the students are interested in it. This lesson is the first period of this unit. In this period, the students will learn the conversation happened in a museum and practice their listening skills. Most importantly, the students can build self-confidence in English learning. On the other hand, they can have simple daily communications, which helps them lay a foundation for their future learning. The analysis of the students: After three years of English learning, the students already have a better understanding of reading and listening as well as some basic knowledge. And they can make short dialogs about our daily life. They are happy to know new things. They are also willing to play interesting games and show themselves. Knowledge aims 1.To master the new words: museum, postcard, post office, near, next to, send. 2.To use the new sentence pattern: “Where is the___? It’s near/next to/behind the___.” Ask and answer the certain places. 3. To use the sentences to make short dialogs. Ability aims To develop the students’ listening, speaking and reading ability. To improve the students’ communication ability. Emotional aims 1. To let the students sense and try to use English during the study. 2. To let the students ask for help in their daily life. 3. To develop the Ss' consciousness of cooperation. Teaching key points 1. To make the students know and understand the dialog: “Is there a___?” “Where is the___? It’s near/next to/behind the___.” 2. To master the words: museum, postcard, post office, near, next to, send. Teaching difficult points The actual use of the sentences. Teaching methods Task-based teaching method, TPR, Communicative approach Teaching aids CAI , PPT Teaching time 40 minutes Teaching procedures Steps Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities Purposes Greetings and warming up Greet the class Answer the teacher’ questions. 简单的英语问候可以使孩子们快速的进入学习英语的情境中来。 Presentation Ⅰ places and dialog T acts as a new visitor here, shows a map of the neighborhood. T describes the places she wants to go, and show the words: park, library, zoo, post office, school, museum on the map. 3. T shows the sentences “Is there a___?” “Where is the___? It’s near/next to/behind the___.” 4. T asks for suggestions about other places to introduce “museum”. 5. T introduces Robin first then they go to visit the science museum. Students listen to the T and try to answer the places: school, park, library ,zoo, post office, museum Ss try to answer T’s questions using the sentence patterns. Ss pay attention to T’s description. 以教师作为一个来访者的身份想要去一些地方为主线,并借助地图展示地点来复习park, library等单词。再通过谈话交流法引出单词“museum”,同时顺势引出该部分的三个练习句型。 教 ... ...

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