
Unit 2 What’s the matter with Daming? 表格式教案

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:81次 大小:16591Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 4 Unit 2 What’s the matter with Daming? 教学设计 科目版本 小学英语(三年级起点)外研版 五年级上册 章 节 Module 4 课 名 Module 4 Unit 2 What’s the matter with Daming. 学习目标 1. 能够听懂、会说、并初步运用词汇:matter, sports 2. 能够听懂、会说、并认读句型“What’s the matter with Daming?”,并能在实际情境中灵活运用;能够陈述过去发生的事情。 重难点 能够听懂、会说、并初步运用词汇:matter, sports 教学环节/步骤 学生活动 教师活动 设计意图 热身进入 1. Watch the video and find out: Where is Ben’s cap? Who took it? 学生带着老师提出的问题观看动画。 2. Follow the tape and read sentence by sentence. 学生听录音,逐句跟读。 1. Hello, boys and girls. Welcome back to our class. Ben lost his cap. Where is his cap? Who took it? Let’s watch the video and find out. Ben的帽子在哪里?是谁拿了他的帽子呢?让我们看动画找出答案吧。 2. Yes, you’re right. Ben’s cap is on a monkey’s head. The monkey took it. Now, let’s follow the tape and read sentence by sentence. 现在,让我们跟着音频一起读一读吧! 通过动画,引入故事。 跟读句子,使学生能熟练运用一般过去时谈话。 新知呈现 Watch the video and find out: What’s the matter with Daming? 学生观看动画,了解大明不开心的原因。 Listen and read. Then circle the right words. 学生听录音,根据文段大意圈出正确的词。 3. Check the answers. 核对答案。 4. Listen to the tape, and try to choose the right answers. 学生听录音,选出正确答语。 5. Check the answers. And then work in pairs, ask and answer. 核对答案,然后和同伴进行问答练习。 6. Read the dialogue and complete the passage with the words from the text. 学生阅读对话,在文中找到正确的词填到文段中。 7. Check the answers. 8. Watch and follow the video and read sentence by sentence. 学生观看动画,并逐句跟读。 1. Daming looks unhappy. What’s the matter with him? Now, please watch the video and find out. 大明看起来不太开心。他怎么了呢?现在请跟随动画来听一听、看一看吧! 2. Well done, boys and girls. Daming lost his bag. Now, please listen, read and circle the right words. 让我们听录音,圈出正确的词吧。 3. Have you got the right answers? Now let’s check. 同学们,你们的答案正确吗?让我们来核对答案吧。 4. Please listen to the tape, and try to choose the right answers. 请同学们听录音,试着选择正确的答语吧。 5. Let’s check the answers. And then work in pairs, ask and answer. 同学们,你们选对了吗?请核对答案,然后和同伴进行问答练习吧。 6. Can you complete the passage with the words from the text? Have a try, please! 你能用课文中的词填空吗?请试一试吧! 7. Have you got the right answers? 同学们,你们都填对了吗? 8. You’ve done a very good job! Now, please follow the video and read sentence by sentence. 让我们跟着动画听一听、读一读吧! 通过动画引入新知,学生能够初步听懂对话大意。 帮助学生进一步理解对话内容。 核对答案。 学生进一步理解课文的同时,巩固如何运用一般过去时对过去发生的事情进行交流。 核对答案。 读课文,通过补全文段感知动词过去式和巩固本课重点词汇。 核对答案。 通过观看动画巩固所学。 分步训练 1. Look at the pictures and try to fill in blanks. 学生看图片,根据图片信息填空。 2. C ... ...

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