
Unit 3 Restaurant Lesson 4 Again, please! 课件+素材 (共29张ppt)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:92次 大小:35608422Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件29张PPT。鲁科版 Book 4 Unit 3Lesson Again, please.Brainstorm 头脑风暴Play a game.Play a game.A: What do you want to eat? B: I want to eat… 同位俩互相询问对方想吃什么食物。 western foodChinese foodLook and say.Look and say.同位练习如何在餐馆点餐。Let’s talk.Danny变出了什么东西呢?Listen and imitate Pay attention to your pronounciation and intonation. 注意要模仿人物的语音、语调。Act out the dialogue in groups. 小组内表演对话。 Let’s act.What would you like? I’d like rice. What would you like? I’d like pies(馅饼). Rice,pies, they’re very nice. What would you like? I’d like apples. What would you like? I’d like noodles. Apples, noodles, they’re very nice. rice nicecap come cold callc, c, c, /k/, /k/, /k/. Let’s read.字母c通常发/k/,当它遇到字母e时,它发/s/often hot body onLet’s read.自己读一读下列单词, 试着总结字母o的发音.Bob is fat. 胖的 why ? Read the dialogue(对话).Mum: It’s time for dinner, Bob. What do you want to eat? Bob: I want to eat hamburgers. Mum: Would you like some vegetables? Bob : No, mum. I don’t like vegetbales. I like hamburgers. Mum: Too many(太多) hamburgers are not good for you, Bob. Bob : No, mum, hamburgers are good. Mum: B--o--b!Let’s do.Make a menu(食谱). Tips(小提示). 1. The menu should be scientific and healthy. (科学又营养) 2. Finish the form in groups. (小组合作完成表格,不会写的单词可以在表格下面的词表里查找,也可以直接贴 你得到的贴画。)吃最多吃多些适量食物金字塔吃最多吃多些适量最少食物金字塔吃最多吃多些适量最少食物金字塔 Different countries have different table manners. 不同的国家有不同的就餐礼仪。 Culture time.We make nos while eating noodles or drinking soup. It’s rude in the western countries. 我们吃面条或喝汤时常发出声响,在西方国家这是很粗鲁的。Good to know.Culture time.We often talk loudly while eating . But it’s impolite in abroad. They talk softly. 我们经常吃饭时大声说话,在外国人看来这是不礼貌的,他们轻柔地交谈。Good to know.Culture time.We usually do not finish all the food on the table. But in England, people always finish all the food to show that they enjoy it. 去朋友家做客,我们通常不吃光桌上所有食物, 英国却吃光以表示他们很喜欢主人做的饭菜。Good to know.Don’t talk when your mouth is full of food. It’s impolite 当嘴里含有食物时交谈是不礼貌的。Good to know.Culture time.It’s important to know the customs of other countries, Remember:When in Rome, do as the Romans do. (不同国家习俗不同,我们要做到入乡随俗。)Good to know.Culture time. What have you learnt today? 这节课你学到了什么? summary.1.Make a menu for your family. (给你们家制作一份菜单。) 2. Get more informations about table manners in different countries. 了解更多国家的就餐礼仪。 Homework. ... ...

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