
高考英语题型专题 语法填空 课件(18张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:53次 大小:363195Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件18张PPT。语法填空 Rational close1.选材:200词左右,话题贴近学生生活。 2.考点设置:词法、句法和逻辑关系方面的知识。 3.命题形式: (3-4个), 的(6-7个)。 4.考点要求:每空不超过3个词 5.分值分配:共10小题,满分15分。 6.建议用时:8-10mins考 纲 解 读无提示词有提示词 1、阅读/理解语篇的能力; 2、分析句子结构的能力; 3、熟练运用语法的能力。 1. 语法填空题—能力要求1、快速浏览全文,把握文章大意和作者写作意图,总体时态; 2、分析句子结构--主谓结构; 3、根据上下文把握空格意思。 2. 语法填空题—解题步骤--1.给出动词归纳总结谓语动词:非谓语动词:有提示词2.词性转换名词:形容词:副词:形容词、副词:时态(分析语境及全文时态) 语态(分析与主语之间的关系) 主谓一致(主语单复数)doing/ done/ to do单复数修饰名词修饰动词、形容词、副词、句子比较级、最高级及反义词考点11.Tom _____(have )a strong interest in painting when he was a child, and he _____ (praise) by his music teacher for his God-given talent. 2.Doing exercise _____ (benefit) us a lot. 3.It had snowed for three days, _____(make)it hard to go out. 4. _____ (criticize) by his boss, he was so depressed. 5.The books _____ (write) by Moyan are so interesting. 6.This is one of the best _____(book) that I have ever read. 7.The river was so polluted that it was _____(actual) hard to clean it. 8._____(strange), it snows in June this year here! 9.After years’ of hard work, now the water in the river is _____(clean) than ever. 10.He was (fortunate) to miss the train. hadwas praisedbenefitsmakingCriticizedwrittenpractice--动词booksactuallyStrangelycleanerunfortunate考点2 --词形转换(名词、形容词、副词、反义词)(谓语、非谓语、主谓一致)介词,冠词,所有格后接名词 形容词修饰名词 副词修饰形容词,动词,副词或 整个句子--纯空格题冠词 代词 介词 连词a/an/the 泛指还是特指单复数,人/物,形容词性还是名词性,是否必要用反身代词句意及固定短语搭配逻辑关系:判断并列连词(and/but/or等)、从属连词which/that/what等)3.冠词或(物主)代词放在名词之前 或形容词+名词之前1. There once were a goat and a donkey. So the farmer killed _____ goat and gave the donkey medicine made from its heart. 2.When I see a child subject to this kind of pressure, I think of Donnie. He was _____ shy , nervous perfectionist. The little boy pulled _____ right hand out of the pocket … the a his考查语法点: 定冠词,不定冠词, 物主代词的用法讨论归纳介词 与名词相连构成介宾短语担任状语,补语, 表语等 与不及物动词构成动词短语接宾语1. In short, I believe that it is _____ great use to keep a dairy in English… 2. When I took the money from her grandparents, I looked back _____the girl, who was giving me the most optimistic, largest smile I had ever seen. of on讨论归纳 考查语法点: 介词的基本用法及惯用搭配连词并列连词从属连词常用副词And, but, so, or, neither, while等However, therefore,then moreover, yet等定从、状从、宾从、表从等从句引导词连词或从句引导词 两个主谓结构连接(状 语从句、并列句) 1. It was not long_____ the waitress came back and then she began to wipe down the table and suddenly was surprised at what she saw. 2. Office workers tried to put out the fire, ____ it was impossible ... ...

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