
Module 1 Unit 2 let’s play sports!Period 2 Reading 课件+教案+练习

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:46次 大小:15071703Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    牛津深圳版英语七年级上册Module 1 Getting to know each other Unit 2 Let’s play sports! Period 2 Reading 教学设计 课题 Unit 2 Period 2 单元 Module 1 学科 English 年级 7 学习 目标 语言知识 认读和理解单词member, club, hope, dream和短语want to do sth. , enjoy doing sth. , in one's free time, come true。 语言技能 1) 能根据句子,上下文知道member, club, hope, dream等单词的含义。 2) 能列举几种运动方式,walking, swimming, play football, play table tennis, play vollyball 3) 能和同学进行对话,询问喜欢的运动。 4) 能介绍自己喜欢的运动员。 3. 学习策略 能利用图片初步表达喜欢的运动,和同学进行简单的对话。 4 . 情感态度 1) 乐于表达自己的兴趣爱好。 2) 积极地用英语进行表达。 重点 1. 初步了解主阅读篇章的内容。 2. 学习核心单词和短语。 难点 1. 能根据句子,上下文知道member, club, hope, dream等单词的含义。 2. 根据实际情况介绍自己的兴趣爱好。 教学过程 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 导入新课 Step 1. Review Watch those pictures and talk about it: 1)Which sports do you konw ? 2)What’s your favorite sports? 看动画图片并谈论 激发兴趣并引入新课 讲授新课 Step 1. Presentation 1.Look and say. Step 2. Activity 1.Play a game: 2.Complete the sentences Step3. Pre-reading 1.Try the short quiz below. Circle the correct answers. 2.Can you tell us who is your favorite sport player? 4.Answer the questions below. Step4. Reading 1.Listen, read and understand. 2.Fill in the chart according to the passage. 3. Judge the sentences. ( T or F ) Step5. Language points want to do sth.的用法 enjoy doing sth.的用法 in one's free time的用法 come true 的用法 Step6. Let’s do 1.Here are some questions about the passage on page 20. Can you write the correct paragrapf numbers in the blamks? 2.Complete the conversation below with those words on page 20. 3. Here is a card about Li Hua. Please complete the information according to the passage on page 20. 4.Complete the sentences below with information on page 20. Step6. Pair work Ask your deskmate some questions about his/her favorite player. 看图学习新单词及句子 游戏及练习 完成阅读课文前的相关练习 阅读文章,完成简单练习 学习对话重点语法 完成课本上和课文相关的练习 结对进行口语对话 通过展示的图片掌握课文中的新词汇 巩固掌握新词汇 通过练习让学生初步了解课文相关内容,做好阅读准备 有任务的阅读练习,提高阅读水平 对文章中出现的知识点,及时指出并讲解,为以后做题奠定基础 巩固和掌握文中重点词汇用法及课文内容 巩固课文内容,提高口语水平 练习巩固 Step 1 Exercise Choose the best answer. 1) ———_____ your favorite sport? A. Where B. What C. How D.What’s 2) ——— Do you like listening _____ music? ———Yes. A. to B. on C. in D.at 3) ———_____? ——— I like tennis and volleyball best. What’s your favorite color What’s your favorite sport Do you like tennis or volleyball Can you play volleyball well 4) ——— My_____ is becoming a good football player. A. work B. dream C. study D.bag 5) ———I like reading very much. I ____ like writing. A. too B. only C. also D.and 2.Finish the sentences: 1)I_____(希望)you enjoy your holiday. 2) Many people _____(梦想) of f ... ...

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