
新人教版必修5 Unit 4 Making the news知识点课件(52张ppt)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:93次 大小:712704Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 课文经典回顾 重点词汇讲练 写作句型仿写 词句基础过关 1. _____ a reputation as获得……名声 2. _____ me with my maths帮我学数学 3. _____ the value of the house评估房子的价值 4. _____ to see the headmaster要求 见校长 demand/ask acquire/gain/win assist/help assess/evaluate 5. _____ a new law批准通过了一部新法 6. _____ vegetables/data加工蔬菜/处理数据 7. _____ an essay to one’s tutor向指导教师 呈交论文 8. _____ computer systems 更新计算机设备 update approve process submit 9. _____ books/articles出版书籍/发表文章 10. _____ shoes/an article把鞋擦亮/给文章润色 11. satisfy/meet sb’s _____ 满足某人的要求 12. give the room a _____ cleaning把房间 彻底打扫一番 thorough publish polish demands/requirements 1. crime n.同事 2. case n.部分;节 3. edition n.罪行;犯罪 4. section n.业余爱好者 5. amateur n.照片 vt.给……照相 6. colleague n.版(本);版次 7. deadline n.职业;专业 8. profession n.最后期限 9. photograph n.部门;部;处;系 10. dilemma n.情况;病例;案例 11. department n.(进退两难的)困境;窘境 12. senior adj.主要的;首席的 n.首领 13. chief adj.精确的;正确的 14. accurate adj.年长的; 高年级的; 高级的 15. sceptical adv.技术上;工艺上 16. technically adv.故意地 17. deliberately adj.怀疑的(<美>skeptical) 18. meanwhile n.摄影 19. demanding adv.其间;同时 20. imaginative adj.富于想象力的 21. idiomatic adj.要求很高的;费力的 22. photography adj.惯用的; 合乎语言习惯的 1. As a _____(journal) of a famous journal, he journeyed frequently. 在冠词后用名词,表示“记者,新闻工作者”。 2. My sister is an _____ (edit) for a local newspaper. 在冠词后用名词,表示“编辑”。类似的还有educator(教育者), director (负责人,主管),conductor(售票员), actor(男演员), translator (翻译家), visitor(来访者), sailor(水手)等。 journalist editor 3. The _____(photograph) asked her to hold the pose for a few minutes longer. 冠词后用名词,要求她再保持那种姿势几分钟的应是“摄影师”。类似的还有interviewer (进行面试者),employer(雇主,老板)等。 photographer 4. The _____ (interview) has all the necessary qualities for the job. 作主语用名词,表示“参加面试者,接受采访者”,-ee表示“被……的人”,类似的还有appointee (被任命者,被委派者),payee (收款人,取款人),employee (受雇者,雇员), trainee (新兵, 受培训者),absentee (缺席者)等。 interviewee 5. A visit to Morocco is a truly _____ (forget) experience. 在名词experience(经历)前作定语用形容词,表示“难忘的”。 6. I was _____(delight) to be invited to her party. 作表语用形容词,表示人“感到快乐的”用delighted。 unforgettable delighted 7. John is smart,polite, and well-behaved. In a word, he is _____ (admire). 作表语用形容词,表示“值得赞扬的,令人钦佩的”。 8. People should contact the police if they notice anything _____(usual). 修饰不定代词anything用形容词,联系警察,应是发现“不同寻常的”事。 admirable unusual 9. He chose George as his _____(assist). 在形容词性物主代词后用名词,表示“助手,助理”。 10. You’ll have a _____(profession) photographer with you to take photographs. 在名词前 ... ...

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