
Unit 2 We all own English.课件(26PPT无素材)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:72次 大小:11293341Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件26张PPT。Module7 English for you and me.Unit 2 We all own English.1.Get the main idea of this passage.Students1.Get the main idea of this passage.2. Get key language points in this passage.Students2. Get key language points in this passage.1.Get the main idea of this passage.3.Extend the bankgroud knowledge about English .Students3.Extend the background knowledge about English .2. Get key language points in this passage.4. Organise the notes into sentences and paragraphs.Students1.Get the main idea of this passage. Invite your friends to answer your questions.2. enjoy doing3. be difficult to do sth.4. have been to5. help...with... Let's make a survey!1. make progressTry!yourbestParagraph 1Passage learning1例如2长大,成长34四分之一5一个好机会6和......交流a quarter offor examplegrow up被用作。。。be used asa good chancecommunicate with How many people in the world use English?Why is English the most important foreign language that children learn at school?Answer the questions12About 400 million people.Because when they grow up, it will be quite possible for them to meet people from other countries. They will need a common language to communicate with each other.Answer the questions4Do you want to chat with foreigners in English?Yes.English is now used by nearly a quarter of the world’s population, and anywhere you go in the world, there is a good chance that you will meet someone who speaks English.(free answer)Paragraph 2-3Passage learningChallenge your mind !3.Where can you find English in your daily life?1.Why is English spoken everywhere?4.Do you know why foreigners like China and Chinese?2.Do you know any words from other language? restaurant Frenchzero Arabicpiano Italiantofu ChineseWords from other languagesWhy do foreigners like china?Paragraph 4Passage learningWhat's English like to you?ABDCListen and Writethe importance ofas common asby the middle ofMore and moreforeign languagearound the worldat leastACDWho owns English?We all own English.a rich languageLearn by yourself Answer the question DISCUSSReady to write !2.How many people speak Chinese in the world? SummaryPlease modify your composition and make it perfect .Please collect information about other languages you're interested to share with your classmates.HomeworkThank you !

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