
Unit1 Where did you go on vacation SectionB 1a-1e公开课(课件+教案+音视频)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:70次 大小:47445118Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit1 Where did you go on vacation SectionB 1a-1e公开课教学设计 【学习目标】 掌握下列词汇: delicious exciting terrible expensive cheap boring 2. 能够运用下列问句谈论假期旅行经历: Where did... What did... Did she... How was... How were… 3.延伸情感教育:香港一直是中国的领土。 【重点和难点】 1) 询问或谈论假期去某地旅行的经历。 2) 能够综合运动词的一般过去时形式,并能正确填空。 【教学过程】 Ⅰ. Lead-in 1.Enjoy a video and find out the questions in the video: How was the boy's summer vacation? Where did he go on vacation? What did he do there Brainstorm:How do we usually talk about our vacation From these aspects:Weather;Place;Food;Activities;People... By using these questions:Where... What... How... Who... Did... Was/Were... ... Ⅱ. Presentation 1. We can describe good things and bad things by description words. Show some pictures on the big screen. Let Ss read the key word: delicious exciting terrible expensive cheap boring 2. We can classsify these description words. 3.Finish 1a:Match the words with the pictures below. Check the answers. Answers: 1. f 2. a 3.c 4. e 5. b 6. d 4.Finish1b:Look at the words in 1a again. 5.Key points:About vacation --How was/were... --It was/They were... 6.Groupwork:Make an interview and give a report. Where did... How was... How were ... Who did ... How was ... Did you.. Did everyone... Report: My friend,… had a busy / nice / happy / great / colorful … vacation. He /She went to…. III. Listening 1. Look at 1c and answer the following questions. What’s the girl’s name in the conversation Does she have a best friend 2. Play the recording the first time. Finish1c. 1). Where did Lisa go on vacation _____ 2). Did she do anything special there What was it _____ 3). Did she buy anything for her best friend _____ 4). Did Lisa like her vacation _____ 3.Play the recording a second time. Finish 1d. What did Lisa say about… her vacation great the people _____ the fun park _____ the food _____ the stores _____ 4.Listen again and complete. G: Hi, Lisa. _____ L: It was great! I went to Hong Kong with my family. G: Really Wow! _____ L: Well, we went to a fun park. It was really exciting. G: Did you go shopping L: Yeah, I did. G: _____ L: Oh, they were very expensive, but I _____ G: And _____ Were they friendly L: Yeah, they were really friendly. My parents have some friends there, and we had dinner at their house. G: _____ L: It was delicious. I loved _____ G: Did everyone have a good time? L: Oh, yes, we did. _____ 5.Listen again and check the answers. IV.Pair work 1.Ss work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about Lisa’s vacation. 2. Let some pairs act out their conversations. V. Consolidation 1.Fill in the blanks according to 1d. Lisa had a _____ vacation in Hong Kong. She went there with _____ _____. There she did _____ _____. She went to a fun park, it was _____. She also went shopping, the stores were _____, _____she ____ _____ _____ for her best friend. People in Hong Kong were _____. Her ... ...

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