
(公开课)Unit 6 Work quietly! Part B Let's talk 课件(27张PPT)+教案+素材

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:51次 大小:3083718Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    教学设计 教学内容 教学内容: 人教版 五下 Unit6 B Let’s talk 教学目标 【知识目标】1.学会认读 词汇 show, anything else. 2.学会认读句型,并能在情境中运用句型: Talk quietly. Keep your desk clean. 3.能用正确的语音语调朗读对话,并能进行角色扮演。 【能力目标】学会如何用英语对他人礼貌提出规劝。 【情感目标】引导学生遵循公共场合规则,培养规则意识和社会责任感。 教学重点 1.掌握重点词汇。如:talk quietly, anything else… 2.掌握常用的表示规则或对他人在公共场合提出规劝的交际用语。 教学难点 掌握并运用常用的表示规则或对他人在公共场合提出规劝的交际用语。 教学准备 PPT课件、图片、画纸等。 教学过程 一、Warm-up & Revision 1.Greeting: Hello, boys and girls. T: I’m so happy today. Because we can have class in this big room. So do you know some other rooms in our school? Now I’ll show you some pictures. 2.Review some places in the school. 目的:复习校园其他的地方,过渡引入校园情景。 二、Presentation 1.学习Let’s try. (1) Free talk. T: Look, this is John and his new friend. Can you guess where are they? S: They are in the library. T: Why? S: Because there are many books. 根据Let’s try提供的图片和选项试着预测听力内容与答案。 (2) 教师播放录音,学生选出答案。 (3) 教师带着学生将常见标识语认读一遍。 2.学习Let’s talk (1) 看图预测, 规则引入。 (2)看图讨论 空缺句子,发散思维。 (3)听录音,说句子。让学生有目的地听 (4)尝试着写出空白的句子,给出干扰项,便于基础较弱的学生选择。 (5)看视频,核对答案。 (6)重点句型展示,教读及拓展。 学生尝试在小组内齐读 (8)听读,模仿,纠正发音和语调。 三、Practice (1)角色扮演 (2)新编对话 四、Extension 1.Watch a Mirco lesson 2.不同地方,不同的规则,熟悉生活中的规则标志。培养学生的规则意识和社会责任感。 五、Summary. Key words: talk quietly, keep your desk clean… Key sentences: I can show you the English book. Can I read the books here? Yes. Of course. Anything else? Keep your desk clean. 作业 设计 1.听录音,背课文。 2.查查过马路时我们 应该遵循哪些规则。 3.完成相关练习。 4.预习下一课。 板书 设计 Unit 6 Part B Let’s talk Talk quietly. Anything else? Keep your desk clean. (课件网) Unit 6 Work quietly! B. Let’s talk I’ll show you the pictures school classroom washroom teachers’ office playground computer room Anything else? 还有吗? Which rules (规则)sign (标志)is right ? Let’s try Know more rule signs Be quiet Please line up No littering No smoking No parking No climbing Can they talk loudly(大声说话) in the library? No, they can’t. They should talk quietly. 应该 小声说话 View and predict(预测) We should talk quietly in the . library Anything else? 还有哪些场所也要注意小声说话呢? We should talk quietly in the . classroom computer room teachers’ office hospital 1 2 3 Think and say Discuss and say 1 2 3 Listen and say 1 2 3 Try to write A. Can I show you the English book? B. Work quietly C. Can I read the books here? D. Talk quietly E. Keep your desk clean. Watch and check Keep your desk clean ! Anything else? 还有哪些场所也要保持清洁的呢? Keep the clean. teachers’ desk wall flo ... ...

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