
公开课Starter Unit 2 What’s this in English? Period1(1a-2e) 课件+音视频

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:81次 大小:8396344Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件39张PPT。Starter Unit2 What’s this in English?Period1(1a-2e)新目标(Go for it)版七年级上册0Revision—Good morning/afternoon/evening, class! —Good morning/afternoon/evening, Mr./ Ms. … —How are you? —I’m fine. How are you? —I’m OK.0Learning tasks1. 复习早自习所学单词 2. 学会辨认物体: What’s this/that in English? It’s … 3. 能够掌握字母Ii—Rr的读音、大小写书写笔顺 4. 了解缩略词P, NBA, kg的含义 5. 课堂总结Task11.什么 2.是 3.这;这个 4.用;以 5.英语 6.用英语 7.地图 8.杯子 9.尺;直尺 10.笔;钢笔 11.橙子复习早自习所学单词what is? this in English in English map cup ruler pen orange12.夹克衫;短上衣 13.钥匙 14.被子;床罩 15.它 16.一 (人、事、物) 17.那;那个 18.用字母拼;拼写 19.请 20.NBA 21.P 22.kgjacket key quilt it? a?/an that spell please (美国)全国篮球协会 停车场 千克 看谁说得又快又正确。Word gameTask2New words1. 用来指离说话人较近的人或事物的是_____意为_____。用来指离说话人较远的人或事物_____意为_____。 对What’s this/that?的提问只能用_____来回答,不能用_____。this“这(个)”that“那(个)”this/thatitWhat’s this?It’s a jacket.What's that?It’s a quilt.Look and sayNew words2. “用某种语言”可以表示为_____,“用英语”_____类似的用法还有:用汉语_____; 用日语_____。 3. 用在以元音开头的单数可数名词前_____;a用在以辅音开头的单数可数名词前_____。“in+某种语言”in Chinesein Englishin Japaneseana ___ orange ___ English map ___ egg ___ apple ___ old jacket ___ hour ananananananExercise用冠词a或an 填空。New words4. _____是询问某个物品用英语怎么说 ,意为 _____, what’s 是_____ 的缩写形式,其答语为 _____,不能用_____回答。What’s this in English? “这个用英语怎么说?”It's a/an+单数可数名词.what is This is..What’s this in English?这个用英语怎么说?It’s a pen.是一支钢笔。What is this in English?It’s a pencil.Look and sayWhat’s this in English?It’s a ruler.What is this in English?It’s an orange.Look and sayWhat’s that in English?It’s a map.What is that in English?It’s a key.Look and sayWatch the cartoonLet's recite!What’s this in English? It’s an orange. What’s that in English? It’s a jacket. Group workPractice the conversations in the picture. Then greet your partner.Task3Look and say /a?/? /d?e? / /ke?/ /el/? /em//en//??/ /pi:/? /kjU:/ /ɑ:/? /ei // e / Phonetic symbolLook and copy Look and copy Look and copy Look and copy Look and copy Look and copy Look and copy Look and copy Look and copy Look and copy Review letters把所学的字母按顺序写在四线三格本上,并注意笔顺。 1. 大写字母均占_____。 2. 小写字母占中间格的有_____;占上两格_____;占下两格_____;占三格_____ 3. 大写字母一笔写完的有_____;两笔写完的有_____;三笔写完的有_ _____。 4. 小写字母一笔写完的有_____;两笔写完的有_ ____。 5. 在这10个字母中,是元音字母的有_____,其余是辅音字母。 6.与/ei /发音相同的字母有_____ 7.与/ e /发音相同的字母有_____上两格 J L Ojp qi k lm n o rI NK M P Q RLl Mm NnI i和O o i j p k l m n o q r J j KkTask4Talk about what these letters mean. P 停车场NBA (美国)全国篮球协会kg 千克/公斤 Read and talkDo you know these abbreviations? USAUKTVTalkingVIPCBAAD BC 看 ... ...

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