
Module 4 Unit 1 It's red 课件+教案+素材(36张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:83次 大小:91482493Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    备 课 教 案 课 题 Module 4 Unit 1 It’s red. 课 时 First 教 材 简 析 本单元是一年级上册第四模块,主要教学内容是描述不同的颜色。Unit 1的课文情境是变色龙根据环境变化不断变成不同的颜色,熊猫盼盼看到后非常惊奇,发出“Oh! It’s green. Now it’s black.”的感叹。变色龙根据环境改变颜色这一特点,可以培养学生对科学的兴趣。 教 学 目 标 重点:★ 难点:△ 本节课后,学生要能够: 1. 理解“it’s=it is, red, blue, yellow, colour, green, now, black, white”等单词,并使用“It’s red.”的句型说明事物的颜色特征; 2. 听懂 “What colour?”并能够进行回答; 3. 加强对生活中色彩的关注,培养科学精神和对科学的兴趣。 关注 学情 一年级学生刚刚升入小学一个月的时间,正在逐渐适应小学英语的学习,由于年龄和认知的特点,孩子们注意力集中的时间比较短,听、读等学习习惯需要进一步培养和规范。同一个班级中,不同学生的英语水平有所不同甚至有较大差距,教师在授课的时候研面向全体学生,关注到每一个孩子的英语学习情况。 课前 准备 1. 课前预习 2. 准备水彩笔、彩铅 教 学 过 程 “学为基点”研究 Leading-in Play the video of The Colour Train Song in which many colours are presented. Students can read after the video and have an impression of the words about colours. Step 1 1. Show students the picture of circus and ask them “Where is it?” Students can answer the question in Chinese. 2. Then teacher can introduce the “Star” Elephant who is very popular in the circus and let students guess “What can the elephant do?” Students can have a guess. 3. Play the whole video. Students can find that the elephant can paint. Then teacher can show the pictures and ask the question “What colour?” Students may get the answer “blue” and “yellow”. 4. Stick the word cards on the blackboard and ask students to read on by one after teacher. 5. Then teacher can ask students “What can you draw with the colour blue?” If students can not follow, teacher can give an example like “blue sky”. Students can draw whatever is blue on the paper. In the same way can teacher teach the word yellow. 6. Brainstorm: What any other colours do you know? What can you draw with the colour? Give students time to draw these things. Step 2 1. Introduce students a new circus star Kami. Play the video of a chameleon which changes his colour as the environment changing, in which students can know more about chameleon. 2. Give each student a chameleon which is carved and carry the chameleon going above the painting they have drawn. The chameleon can be changed into different colours and students need to describe it using the sentence structure “It’s …” 3. Play the video of the textbook. 4. Listen and repeat. Train students to point to the words while reading and remind them to imitate the intonation of the record. Step 3 Activity Book Open the Activity Book and turn to Page 15. Choose one kind of your favourite fruit and colour it. When finishing, students should introduce the fruit with the sentence “It’s …”. Step 4 1. When mixing blue and yellow, there appears green. Teacher can show the experiment on the class. Then read the Pi ... ...

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