
优质课Starter Unit 3 What color is it ? 音标自然拼读教学 课件+自然拼读视频+音视频

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:79次 大小:24932249Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件17张PPT。新目标人教版Go for it 七年级上 Starter Unit 3 What color is it? 音标 自然拼读教学 精品优质课 Happy Phonetics! a/?/,e/e/,i/?/,o/?/Cat , fat , a fat cat , the cat is fat ! Egg, red , a red egg, the egg is red ! Pig ,big, a big pig, the pig is big ! Dog, hot, a hot dog , the dog is hot !Let's chant ! crab pants van tapa[?]Dadbagcanbackthat[t?p][v?n][p?nts][kr?b]Let's try!centnest nete[e]Let's try![sent][nest][net]hen [hen]wetgetfellrednexti[?] drink milk fix hillkitwillfitintozipLet's try!wet kit 潜水衣[m?lk][dr??k][f?ks][h?l]stopfrog sockscopy[st?p][fr?g][s?ks][k?p?]o[?]topoffhot gotjobLet's try!5.A.zip B.zap 6.A.big B.beg 7.A.his B.has 8.A.list B.lost1.A.fat B.fit 2. A.send B.sand 3. A.bit B.bet 4.A.bed B.bad Let's listen!Check the words you hear.[f?t] [send] [b?d] [z?p] [h?s] [l?st] [bet] [beg] Most &Best !hat,cap...hen,...zip,...got,... Let’s write and read !1.Dad put it on .“Will it ___/f?t/him?” “____/k?n/ he get into it ?”“Yes, he can .”2.The____ /t?p/ of the zip ____/fel/ off. topfell 3.Dad was ___ /h?t/ and red .“Get it off !” “I can not pull the ___/z?p/.”“Pull !”hotzipfitCanA hot day for Dad!Dad had his bag and his wet kit.Dad put it on .“Will it fit him?”“Can he get into it ?”“Yes, he can .”But it did not fit .The zip was at the back .“I can not get the zip up .”The zip did not go up .“I can not pull it up .”The top of the zip fell off.Dad was hot and red .“Get it off !”“I can not pull the zip.” “Pull !”Mum had to cut the zip.Dad got the kit off. “Pull it off ! Pull !”Dad was hot. “Puff,puff .”“That was a job!” “The kit did not fit .”A bug got into dad's top. “Buzz,buzz,buzz.”“Pull it off !”“Buzz,buzz.”Dad was hot.“Get in Dad.”“Yes ,I will.”The Best Reader!A hot day for Dad! Fun sentences or stories!hat,cap...hen,...zip,...got,...A cat is catching a fat rat .A pet hen lays eggs on the bed. ... Homework! 1.Make more fun sentences with them in the paper . 2.Read the words in the paper and remember the phonetics, then finish the exercise . 3. Read and immitate the story of “A hot day for Dad”,pay attention to the intonation .谢谢21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com) 中小学教育资源网站 有大把高质量资料?一线教师?一线教研员? 欢迎加入21世纪教育网教师合作团队!!月薪过万不是梦!! 详情请看: https://www.21cnjy.com/help/help_extract.php

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