
Unit 5 It was here just now Part B 课件(14张PPT)+教案+素材

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:19次 大小:787846Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 5 It Was Here Just Now Part B 教材分析 本单元教学共分为2课时。本课是第2课时,以Let’s learn more部分的对话为主,让学生学习和掌握There be句型的一般过去时形式及一般过去时中be动词的否定形式wasn’t和weren’t,并能运用所学知识对事物进行对比性的描述。 教学目标 【知识与能力目标】 1. 能听懂和理解Let’s learn more部分的两个对话。 2. 学习和掌握be动词过去式的否定形式(wasn’t, weren’t),疑问形式及一般过去时在there be结构中的应用。 3. 通过对对话的学习,能对事物的今昔进行对比表达。 4. 复习和巩固一般过去时中be动词was,were的用法。 5. 复习和巩固物品过去和现在的位置的表达。 【过程与方法目标】 通过听音频理解对话,掌握重点内容。 【情感态度价值观目标】 通过本单元的学习使学生意识到生活要有条理性,要培养良好的生活习惯。 【教学重点】 1. 能听懂和理解Let’s learn more部分的两个对话。 2. 学习和掌握be动词过去式的否定形式(wasn’t, weren’t)、疑问形式及一般过去时在there be结构中的应用。 3. 通过对对话的学习,能对事物的今昔进行对比表达。 【教学难点】 1. 学习和掌握be动词过去式的否定形式(wasn’t, weren’t)、疑问形式及一般过去时在there be结构中的应用。 2. 通过对对话的学习,能对事物的今昔进行对比表达。 课前准备 教师准备:Let’s learn more部分的音频。 Let’s chant部分的音频。 教学过程 1. 新课导入 T: Hello, everyone. Do you love our school? Ss: Yes. T: Can you say something about our school? Ss: Our school is beautiful. There are many students here. 2. Let’ s learn more 教师可先让学生通过录音了解对话大意,引出功能句。 T: Well. Liu Zhaoyang’s dad is visiting his old school. Are there any differences? Let’s listen carefully. (1) 教师就本段对话提出问题。 Question 1: When was Liu’s dad at this school? Question 2: Was there a library? Question 3: How many students were there at that time? (2) 教师播放录音,学生在对话中找答案。 (3) 教师请学生来回答问题,检测他们对对话的理解。教师引导学生用完整的句子说出问题的答案。 Answer 1: Thirty. Answer 2: Yes, there. Answer 3: About six. (4) 教师板书上述问题的完整答案: Liu’s dad was at this school thirty years ago. Yes. There was a library. But there weren’t so many books. There were about six hundred students at that time. (5) 可采用问答、讨论的方式进一步讲解以上功能句: T: Is Liu’s dad at this school now? Ss: No. T: When was he here? T / Ss: Thirty years ago. 要求学生说出更多类似的时间状语,如:two years ago, a week ago, five hours ago ... 教师引导学生继续问答,讲解There be结构的过去式: T: Is there a library? / Was there a library at that time? T / Ss: Yes, there was. But there weren’t so many books. T: How many students were there at that time? T / Ss: There were about six hundred students at that time. 首先可用Is there ...?导出Was there…? 使学生理解表示过去某处有某物时,There be结构中的动词be同样变为过去式was / were。 教学小贴士 there be结构的过去式表示某处过去曾经有某物,be动词后的名词是可数名词单数或不可数名词时,be动词用was,be动词后的名词是可数名词复数时,be动词用were;疑问句需要把was / were提到主语之前,否定句在was/ were后面直接加not,否定形式可缩写为wasn’t/ weren’t。 另外,与人称代词连用的be动词可视情况做个归纳: I, he, ... ...

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