
Unit 2 A new student Story time 课件+音频 ( 26张PPT)

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:95次 大小:10149257Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件26张PPT。Unit 2 A new studentStory timeNice to meet you!I’m Miss Pan.I’m your new teacher today.Try to listen What’s in the classroom?Try to sayA: What’s in the classroom?B: There is/are…Try to ask and answer两人一组,一问一答2A new student show…around… 带……参观……Try to circle(仔细听对话,圈出学校大楼含有的功能室。)classroomcomputer roomlibraryart roomtable tennis roommusic roomTry to circle(仔细听对话,圈出学校大楼含有的功能室。)classroomcomputer roomlibraryart roomtable tennis roommusic roomWhat questions does Nancy ask?(Nancy问了什么问题?)Try to find(看动画,在文中圈出Nancy提出的问题。)What questions does Nancy ask? (Nancy问了什么问题?)?…Try to find?…Try to find(自由朗读课文,划出杨玲的答句。)There are 24 classrooms.?…Try to answerYes, there are. 2. Are there any computer rooms? ?…There are two computer rooms.Try to answerYes, there is. ?…Try to answerWhere are these rooms?the third floor 三楼the second floor 二楼the first floor 一楼 music roome仔细阅读对话,将字母序号写在对应的楼层里。(P18)Try to writeThere is a/an…. It’s on…. There are…. They’re on….Try to paste and say(边介绍,边将图片贴到正确的位置)Try to read尽量模仿老师的语音和语调哦!…Try to read( 三人一组,选择一种喜欢的方式读一读课文。) 2.Read the text correctly and fluently. (正确、流利地朗读课文)1.Read the text correctly. (正确地朗读课文)3.Read the text correctly, fluently and emotionally. (正确、流利并有感情地朗读课文)Try to read…Try to read( 三人一组,选择一种喜欢的方式读一读课文。) Hello, Miss Yang! Welcome to my school. There is… It’s on the…floor. There are… They’re on the…floor. ... 你会怎样向我介绍你的学校呢?试着说一说吧!Try to say1.课后将图片上的句子读一读。 2.跟录音读课文20分钟,注意模仿正确的语音、语调。 3.试着向父母介绍自己的学校。 Homework

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