
Unit 2 A new student Grammar time and Fun time 教案

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:56次 大小:17582Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 2 A new student 一、Type of the lesson Fun time and Grammar time 二、Teaching aims and learning objectives 1. 能听懂、会说、会读句型:How many...? Is / Are there...? 及其答语。 2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写It’s on the first / second / third floor并让学生掌握基数词one, two, three的序数词形式。 三、Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:second, third, first。 2. 能掌握句型:There be句型的一般疑问句Is / Are there...? 和特殊疑问句How many...are there? 及其答语。 四、Teaching aids blackboard, chalk, PPT, pictures and video 五、Teaching procedures Step 1 Greetings&free talk T: Good afternoon, class. S: Good afternoon, Miss Yan. T: Today I’m new your English teacher, nice to meet you. Ss: Nice to meet you too. T: Look, here comes a new student. Do you know her? Ss: Yuguo. T: Yes, some of you know her. / It doesn’t matter. Let me introduce her.(播放雨果的图片) She is Yuguo. She is a cute girl. She is brave and a little naughty. She likes exploring. She found a mysterious world. Is it beautiful? Ss: Yes. T: Can you say something about it using ‘There is / There are’ S1: There is S2: There are Step 2 Presentation 1. Magic train (1) Repair the train T: Good job! Today she wants to look for the magic stone. Do you want to go with her? Ss: Yes. T: OK. She has a map. Let’s look at it.(呈现地图) Look at the map. Where will we go? We will go to But,(播放小火车的音频) The trains can’t move. Can you help them? (板贴火车头) Ss: Yes. T: Let’s do it. Put the coaches into a right order.(展示要求,举手示意) S3: There is T: Is he / she right? Let’s check.(组加星贯穿始终,男生读陈述句) The second one? S4: Is there (核对句子,评价性语言,板书Is there的问句以及回答) ① 全班齐读问句。 ② 师说问句,全班回答。 ③ 女生读。 ④ 男生读。 T: What about these two? (女生读陈述句,评价性语言,板书补齐Are, are, aren’t) ① 全班齐读问句。 ② 师问,全班答。 ③ 第一二组读。 ④ 第三四组读。 (2) Summarize the rules T: Boys and girls, do you remember these sentences? Are there any differences between them? S5: … T: What about these two? S6: … T: Well done. These two are called yes or no questions. We put the verb be at the beginning of the sentence. Pay attention here.(呈现规则,并强调some变any) T: You did a good job. You repaired the trains. Now we can go to the magic farm.(板贴农场图片) 2. Magic farm (1) Bring the animals’ home T: Wow, a beautiful farm. Are there any animals on the farm? Ss: No, there aren’t. T: The animals run away. Can you bring them home? (呈现爱心提示) Let’s watch a video. Try to remember: How many animals are there on the farm? Which floor are they on? 播放视频 T: Boys and girls, can you bring the animals home now? Ss: … T: Good kids. How many ducks are there on the farm? (板书How many句型及回答) Ss: There is one. T: Which floor is it on? Ss: …(屏幕呈现鸭子的图片和语言支架) T: What about the other animals? Take out this paper and the envelop. Discuss with your partner. Two mi ... ...

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