
Unit 3 Colors Lesson 15-Lesson 20 课件+音频

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:100次 大小:17835036Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件11张PPT。 Warm-upPlease ask a question to your desk mate with “What’s your name?”.And answer the question with “I’m/My name is...”.What’s your name?I'm/My name is Tom. ChantWhat's your name? My name is Elephant. I'm Monkey.Snow White meet the Monkey and Elephant in the forest.What do they talk about? Let’s go to see it. Ask and answer1. Which animals appear in the article? Monkey and Elephant . 2. Where did they meet? Forest. 3. Were the animals happy? Yes, they were. Listen, read and retell Snow White meet _____ and_____in the _____. Monkey say“ _____your name?”, “_____Snow White” . Another animal says“my____ is Elephant,_____to the _____”. “_____ _____”Snow White says. They are both _____. welcomeelephantforestWhat'sI'mnamemonkeyforestThankyouhappyPractice“What’s your name?” “My name is Monkey.Practice“What’s your name?” “I'm Elephant. LET’S SING! GameI’m Snow White. I’m Snow White. I live in the forest. I’m happy. I’m happy. I live in the forest. 1. Copy the words and text of Unit 3--Lesson 15. 2. Recite the text well and practice the words. Homework谢 谢课件12张PPT。 Warm-upPlease follow to the recording, and read out“red,blue,white”.redbluewhiteChantWhat do you like? I like red. I like red apples.Snow White was holding apples in her hand.What do they talk about? Let’s go to see it. Ask and answer1. How many colors are there in the article? There are three colors in the article . 2. What color does Snow White like? Snow White likes red. 3. What color does Monkey like? Monkey likes blue. 4.What color does Elephant like? Elephant likes white. Listen, read and retell I like _____ clouds. What _____ you? I like the _____ sky. I like the _____ grass. What about you? I like the _____ apple. I like the yellow banana. What about you? I like the purple grapes. whiteaboutbluegreenredPracticeA“apple” B“red” appleredPracticeA“cloud” B“white”PracticeA“sky” B“blue”Let’s say it! GameOpen your eyes. Look at the sky. Blue, blue, blue. The sky is the blue. Use your hands. Touch the clouds. Touch, touch, touch. Touch the white clouds.1. Copy the words and text of Unit 3--Lesson 16. 2. Recite the text well and practice the words. Homework谢 谢课件11张PPT。 Warm-upPlease look at the text careful, and can distinguish the color of“brown,black”,can distinguish“color”and “draw”.blackbrown Warm-upPlease look at the text careful, and can distinguish the color of“brown,black”,can distinguish“color”and “draw”.drawcolorMonkey、Rabbit and Elephant .What are they doing? Let’s go to see it. Ask and answer1. What is Rabbit doing? Rabbit is drawing the beer . 2. What does Monkey draw? The black beer. 3. What color is the bear that Elephant drew? Brown. Listen, read and retell I like Rabbit _____ a beer,and Monkey color the beer _____.Elephant color the beer _____. What _____is the beer? The _____is brown.drawblackbrowncolorbeerPracticeA“beer” B“black”/“brown” PracticeA“What does Monkey do?” B“Monkey draws/c ... ...

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