

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:99次 大小:32256Byte 来源:二一课件通
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五年级上册英语-期中测试卷-牛津译林版 一、选择与给出单词画线部分读音相同的单词,并将其序号填入括号内。 ( ) 1. sun A. out B. our C. duck ( ) 2. name A. cake B. apple C. cap ( ) 3. doctor A. colour B. nice C. cinema ( ) 4. nose A. hot B. home C. short ( ) 5. like A. time B. this C. winter 二、英汉互译。 1. 动物朋友们 _____ 2. in our school _____ 3. 三杯牛奶 _____ 4. too high _____ 5. 两个图书馆 _____ 6. in groups _____ 7. 画—个房间 _____ 8. red eyes _____ 9. 在厨房里_____ 10. my father’s hobby _____ 三、单项选择。 ( ) 1. How many computer rooms _____ in your school? A. there is B. are there C. there is ( ) 2. I can see many apples _____ the tree. A. on B. at C. in ( ) 3. _____ Liu Tao _____ playing football? A. Do; likes B. Does; like C. Does; likes ( ) 4. In winter, we often go _____. A. boating B. skating C. swimming ( ) 5. --_____ --I have a cold and a fever. A. What’s the matter? B. What day is it? C. What do you like? ( ) 6. Where _____ the music room? A. am B. are C. is ( ) 7. There _____ some coats and a dress on the bed. A. are B. is C. do ( ) 8. My uncle _____ a lot of friends. A. have B. having C. has ( ) 9. Are there _____ juice in the glass? A. some B. a C. any ( ) 10. You can see _____ in Canada. A. pandas B. bald eagles C. polar bears 四、在右栏中找出相应的答句。 (1) How many books do you have? A. It’s five o’clock. (2) Does he like pies? B. Good idea. (3) How much is the rubber? C. I can make a nice cake. (4) Is there a football? D. No, he doesn’t. (5) Let’s go climbing now. E. Two yuan, please. (6) Can you show it to me? F. It’s Tuesday. (7) What can you do? G. Yes, there is. (8) Do you like cows? H. Yes, here you are. (9) What time is it? I. Ten. (10) What day is it today? J. No, I don’t. 五、根据中文意思,完成下列句子。 1. --在一楼有一些音乐教室吗? --是的,有。 --Are there _____ music rooms on the _____ floor? --Yes, there are. 2. --在你的书包里有什么? --有一些书和一支铅笔。 --_____ in your schoolbag? --There are _____ books and a _____ in it. 3. Tim喜欢溜冰,但 Mike不喜欢,他喜欢打乒乓球。 Tim likes _____, but Mike _____, he _____ _____ table tennis. 4. 我姐姐有两条鱼。它们很漂亮。 My sister _____ two _____. They are very _____. 5. 它们有大眼睛,也有大身体。 They _____ big _____ and big _____ too. 六、阅读理解,判断对错,对的写“√”,错的写“×”。 This is Ben’s new bedroom. There’s a big bed in it. There’s a desk and a chair near the bed. On the desk, there are some books, a pencil case and a computer. There’s a bookcase (书柜) near the door. There are some pictures in the bookcase. Look, Ben’s clothes are behind the door, but his shoes and socks are under the bed. We can see a football under the chair. ( ) 1. There’s a bookcase, a desk, a chair and a bed in Ben’s bedroom. ( ) 2. The bookcase is near the window. ( ) 3. There are some pictures on the desk. ( ) 4. The football is under the chair. ( ) 5. Ben’s clothes are on the bed. 七、阅读理解。根据短文内容选择正确的答案 This is a picture of our class. You can ... ...

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