
Unit2 Colours 第6课时Study skills课件+教案+练习

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:98次 大小:4281026Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    牛津译林版英语九年级上册第6课时教学设计 课题 Colours 单元 Unit 2 学科 英语 年级 九年级 学习 目标 Knowledge objectives:To know how to use scanning while reading. Skill objectives: To use scanning in reading comprehension. Emotional objectives: To develop their own reading ability by mastering some reading skills 重点 To know how to use scanning while reading. 难点 To use scanning in reading comprehension. 教学过程 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 导入新课 Let the Ss to have a discussion: We have learned skimming, do you know any other reading skills? Have a discussion 以小组讨论的方式进入新课,既能让学生畅所欲言锻炼其口语能力,又能回顾以前所学知识。 Let’s review Let the Ss fill in the blanks. Fill in the blanks 复习上节课所学重点单词短语,巩固所学知识。 讲授新课 Let’s learn Lead the Ss to learn about scanning. Learn about scanning 让学生提前了解阅读技巧为下一环节作好铺垫。 Let's do Lead the students to finish the exercise on the book . Finish the exercise on the book 通过练习对所学知识加深理解。 Discussion Lead the students to learn about : What kind of questions are scanning used to answer? 2. How do you answer this kind of questions? Learn about the questions about the details of reading comprehension. 让学生了解考试中这种阅读技巧的考察方式 Show time Ask the students to sum up how to use scanning when testing. Sum up how to use skimming when testing. 通过完成练习,具体分析如何使用scanning并了解学生理解掌握情况。 Language points Ask the students to master the language points and understand the meaning of them. Master the language points and understand the meaning of them. 帮助学生掌握课文重要知识点,提升学生语言运用能力。 Drills Ask the students to have a group competition to practice skimming. Have a group competition to practice skimming. 通过小组竞赛的方式锻炼学生的团队精神及合作意识。 课堂小结 本节课我们学会了如何使用scanning这种阅读技巧,它是一种从大量的资料中迅速查找某一项具体事实或某一项特定信息,如人物、事件、时间、地点、数字等,而对其它无关部分则略去不读的快速阅读方法。 板书 be dressed in blue work in the fields think of look for food have the power to do drive… away dress baby boys in blue in the hope that according to a European story Scanning 1. 跳读查找法2. 排除法3. 简单计算法 Unit 2 Colours Study skills同步练习 Ⅰ.单词拼写 1. I have some d_____(困难)learning English. Could you help me? 2. C_____(欢呼,喝彩)up, Mandy. Everything will get better soon. 3. Are black and white a good m_____(相配)? 4. Don't give yourself up to s_____(悲伤). There's still hope! 5. I said it in that way in order not to hurt his f_____(感情). Ⅱ.单项选择 6. —Could you give me a few ____ on how to spend the coming summer holiday? —OK, let me see. A. hobbies B. suggestions C. knowledge D. information 7. He was made ____ from morning till night. A. work B. to work C. working D. works 8. Mary suggests____ a picnic this weekend. A. to have B. having C. to take D. taking 9. If you have difficulty____ something, wearing red ____it easier for you to take ac ... ...

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