
Unit 2 Teachers let’s spell + fun time课件+教案+习题

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:63次 大小:2375271Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 2 Teachers 第四课时 习题 1、 选出与所画单词相符的图片。 ( )1. The T-shirt is brown. A. B. ( )2. The boy is crying. A. B. ( )3. The girl looks like a princess. A. B. ( )4. I can’t find my crayons. A. B. ( )5. I have bread and milk for breakfast. A. B. 二、按要求写出相应的单词或短语。 1.teach (第三人称单数形式)_____. 2. cry (第三人称单数形式)_____. 3.we (形容词性的物主代词)_____ 4. teach(名词)_____. 5. toy(复数)_____ 三、选择题。 ( ) 1. She is _____ English teacher. A. our B. I C. you ( ) 2. What ____ she teach? A. have B. does C. do ( ) 3. They like _____. A. sing B. sings C. singing ( ) 4. There are ____ trees in our school. A. a B. many C. much ( ) 5. He likes ____ teachers very much. A. he B. him C. his 四、连词成句。 1.favourite is my she teacher (.) _____ 2. long she hair has curly (.) _____ 3.good is he music at (?) _____. 4.lunch we 12 have o’clock at (.) _____. 5.play very she the well can piano (.) _____ 五、读短文,并判断句子正误,正确的用T表示,错误的用F表示。 Tom is my classmate. He is from London in England. But he likes China very much. Now he is in Beijing. He is a little fat. He has a round face and big blue eyes. His hair is not black but yellow. His nose, mouth and ears are all big. He likes blue. He likes wearing a blue T-shirt and blue jeans. Look at his hand. He has a football in it. We often play football after class. ( )1. Tom is an English boy. ( )2. Tom’s hair and eyes are blue. ( )3. The boy with big eyes, big ears, a big nose and a big mouth is Liu Tao ( )4. Tom likes basketball. ( )5.Tom’s favourite colour is blue. Unit 2 Teachers 第四课时 答案 一、 【解析】 1. brown棕色的,根据图片可知是B. 2. cry哭泣,根据图片可知是A. 3. princess公主,根据图片可知是B. 4. crayons蜡笔,根据图片可知是A. 5. bread面包,根据图片可知是B. 【答案】1—B 2—A 3—B 4—A 5—B 二、 【解析】 1.teach的第三人称单数是teaches, 故填teaches. 2.cry的第三人称单数是cries,故填cries. 3.we的形容词性的物主代词是our,故填our. 4.teach的名词是teacher, 故填teacher. 5.toy的复数是toys. 故填toys. 【答案】1.teaches 2. cries 3.our 4. teacher 5.toys 三、 【解析】 1. 句意:她是我们的英语老师,要用形容词性的物主代词, 故填A. 2. 主语是第三人称单数,所以疑问句要借助于助动词does,故填B. 3. like doing sth.喜欢做某事, 故填C 4. trees是可数名词复数,要用many修饰,故填B. 5. 句意:他非常喜欢他的老师们, 要用形容词性的物主代词his,故填C. 【答案】1.A 2. B 3.C 4.B 5. C 四、 【解析】 1. 根据所给的词及标点可组成句子为: She is my favourite teacher.她是我最喜爱的老师, 故填She is my favourite teacher. 2. 根据所给的词及标点可组成句子为: She has long curly hair. 故填She has long curly hair. 3. 根据所给的词及标点可组成句子为: Is he good at music? 故填Is he good at music? 4. 根据所给的词及标点可组成句子为: We have lunch at 12 o’clock. 故填We have lunch at 12 o’clcok. 5. 根据所给的词及标点可组成句子为: She can play the piano very well.故填She can play the piano very well. 【答案】 1. She is my favourite teacher. 2. She has long curly hair. 3. Is he good at ... ...

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