
Module 4 Unit 12 The Earth 课件(28张PPT)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:52次 大小:8053074Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件28张PPT。12 The EarthModule 4 The natural worldOxford English Can you find the Earth? Mercury (水星) Venus (金星) the Earth (地球) Mars (火星) Jupiter (木星) Saturn (土星) Uranus (天王星) Neptune (海王星)partsoceansforests landoceanPacific Ocean 太平洋 Atlantic Ocean大西洋 Indian Ocean 印度洋 Arctic Ocean 北冰洋forestAmazon Rain Forest (亚马逊雨林)Lung of the Earth(地球之肺)Oceans cover(覆盖) 71%of the Earth and land cover 29%of the Earth.rubbishthrowing rubbish into riversthrowing rubbish into riversthrowing rubbish into riversusing plastic bags=throwing rubbishcutting down so many treescutting down so many treescutting down so many treesStop !Stop !Stop !We shuld stop doing......landoceanforestLook at this picture.What is it? It’s . The green and brown parts are and . What are the blue parts? I think they’re . Yes,they are.The earth was very and in the past, but now some parts are . Can we do anything to help the Earth? Yes.We should stop . We should stop . We should stop .Think and sayMs Guo:Kitty:Ms Guo:Joe:Ms Guo:Alice:Peter:the Earthforestslandoceanscleanbeautifuldirtythrowing rubbish into riverscutting down so many treesusing plastic bagsKitty:Earth song --Michael?JacksonHomework 1We should We should stopnot litterkilling wild animalsWalk or ride a bike more oftenusing plastic bags write on both sides of paperplant more treescutting down treesbuilding more factories.What should we do to save the Earth?(Match and write)Homework 2 Please read the text very very well. Homework 3 Learn to sing the song--Earth Song.

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