
Module 4 Unit 11 Trees 课件 +素材(22张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:28次 大小:33002324Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件22张PPT。Unit11 Trees Treestree try traintrouserstriangletrafficdrdress dropdrivedreamdrinkdrytrunk tripdraw driverLearn the soundsThere is a tree. It has a trunk. I climb the tree. It’s true, true, true. I have a dream on the tree. I see a train in my dream. Choo Choo Choo I see a truck in my dream. Truc Truc Truc… I dry my hair, wear new trousers, drink some juice, drive a car, I’m going on a trip. I see many trees. Wow, Wow, wow. I see….Let’s chantApple TreesPine TreesMaple TreesCoconut TreesBanana TreesOrange TreesWillow TreesPear Trees Trees Introduction Greetings: Names: Appearances: We get_____from _____. We use_____to _____. Read the passagenestsshelterfoodbuildhollowhousesfurniturepaperimportantstopLeavesflowersfruitMoreAccording the passage and the pictures, Finish the mind mapWhat can trees do?Trees are in danger. Why?Save Trees SlogansTree Planting Day around the worldChina中国 March 12 Finland 芬兰 June24th North Korea 朝鲜 April 6th India印度 first week in July Thailand 泰国 December 4th France 法国 March 31th Do you know?How to plant a tree?First, dig a hole. Then, put the tree into the hole. Next, Cover the tree. After that, water the plants. Finally, Brush the trees. Number the picture 14322-1-4-3Writing Save trees Step1: Beginning Step2: What can we get from trees? How do we use trees? What can trees do? Step3: What do people cut trees for? Step4: What should we do to save trees? Step5: Ending.Save TreesSave PaperSave WaterPlant Trees

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