
Module 4 Unit 10 Air 课件 (22张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:86次 大小:5838984Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件22张PPT。Oxford EnglishModule 4 The natural world10 Air7Learning objectivesIn the We will be able to: read words air / everywhere/alive /balloon / keep correctly. use the sentence pattern Air keeps _____ +adj. . Learning ObjectivesGuessing game: what is it?It has no color or shape. It has no smell or taste. AIRwaterwind_____has no color or shape. _____has no smell or taste. We cannot see it, but we can feel it!It is everywhere.Peter and Alice are going to Air Club. How happy!Air ClubIt has no smell or taste!Air has no colour or shape.Ms Guo is introducing some facts about air to them.Can you feel it?Yes, we can!Great! It is everywhere.Ms Guo is introducing some facts about air to them.What are these?They are balloons!Ms Guo is introducing some facts about air to them.Air keeps balloons high in the sky.Wonderful!Ms Guo is introducing some facts about air to them.Ms Guo is introducing some facts about air to them.Good job!So air keeps kites and planes high in the sky too!Ms Guo is introducing some facts about air to them.Birds need air too!They need it to keep them high in the sky too!Ms Guo is introducing some facts about air to them.Great! Also, they need air to keep them alive.They need it to keep them high in the sky too!Ms Guo is introducing some facts about air to them.How about you, Peter?Me too!Ms Guo is introducing some facts about air to them.Me too! We live with air! So air is important to us!Joe comes and joins them. What have you learnt about air?What else can air do?It can keep planes and balloons high in the sky too.Does air have colour or shape?No. It has no smell or taste, either.Is it important to us?Of course! We need it keep us alive!Work in pairs and act it out! You have two minutes!It is important to us!What is air like? It has _____. It has _____. What can air do?It keeps_____! It keeps planes and balloons_____no smell or taste.us alivehigh in the skyno colour or shape.airMind-mapThink and sayno_____no_____no_____no_____keeps_____keeps _____ _____smellcolorshapetasteplanes and balloons high in the skyus aliveMind-mapThink and sayno_____no_____no_____no_____keeps_____keeps _____ _____waterSummaryAir has no _____or_____. Air has no_____or _____. Air keeps _____high in the sky. Air keeps _____alive.Homework1.Listen and read after the tape. 2. Make a report about air.

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