
高中英语北师大版(2019) 必修第一册模块整合训练(含解析)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:100次 大小:22036Byte 来源:二一课件通
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模块整合训练 Ⅰ.阅读理解(共10小题;每小题2.5分,满分25分) A Six people are talking about the newly-built garden on the roof of their building. Jasmine: I loved the idea when Wilber first told me about it.We had lots of meetings with our neighbors,trying to make them understand why it's good to build a garden on the roof.Now people love coming here,and we have made a lot of friends! Wilber: The whole thing wasn't easy at first.But Jasmine helped a lot.And she was really good at making people happy to donate (捐赠)money for the roof garden. David: My kids love going up there.They sit there watching butterflies and birds.The roof garden brings them closer to nature. Samuel:You want something green? Visit the park! It's only one block away! After the roof garden was built,small insects started flying into my room! And the kids leave mud on the stairs when they come down from the roof! Rosie: Our building is now cooler in the summer.My baby sleeps well even on hot summer days! Flora: Guess where these tomatoes are from! Not from the supermarket.They're from our roof! It's wonderful,isn't? 【语篇解读】 本文主要讲了六个人对于新建的屋顶花园发表了自己的看法。 1.Who dislikes the roof garden? A.Jasmine.      B.Rosie. C.Samuel. D.Flora. C [细节理解题。根据“You want something green? Visit the park! It's only one block away! After the roof garden was built,small insects started flying into my room! And the kids leave mud on the stairs when they come down from the roof!”可知Samuel不喜欢屋顶花园,所以选C。] 2.What does Wilber tell us? A.Jasmine helped to get the money. B.Tomatoes grew well on the roof. C.Children always make stairs dirty. D.There are birds in the roof garden. A [细节理解题。根据“But Jasmine helped a lot.And she was really good at making people happy to donate (捐赠)money for the roof garden.”可知Wilber告诉我们Jasmine帮忙筹集到了钱,所以选A。] 3.What can be inferred from the interview? A.Babies like sleeping in the roof garden. B.Most of the speakers love the roof garden. C.The roof tomatoes sell well in the supermarket. D.David first came up with the idea of a roof garden. B [推理判断题。通过六个人对屋顶花园的看法,可知大部分说话的人都喜欢这个屋顶花园,所以选B。] B Children who spend more time outdoors may have a lower risk of becoming nearsighted,new research suggests. In the study,researchers looked at about 1,900 schoolchildren.The scientists found that the kids who had been instructed to spend more time outdoors over three years were 23 percent less likely to develop nearsightedness during this time than those who had not been instructed to spend more time outdoors.Moreover,among the kids who did become nearsighted during the study,the degree to which their eyesight worsened was slightly smaller among those who spent more time outdoors. The researchers selected six schools and required the children,whose average age was 7 at the start of the study,to attend one additional 60-minute class of outdoor a ... ...

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