
Lesson 16 Numbers 17-19 教学设计

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:31次 大小:14270Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Lesson 16 Numbers 17-19教学设计 教学目标: 1.语言技能目标:主要是口语能力,能够正确认读功能句并能正确运用单词和功能句谈论名词的复数。 2.知识目标:a,掌握birds,eggs,flowers,的正确读音并能正确认读。 b,能听懂会说单词seventeen,eighteen,nineteen c,还会用功能句How many ...are there? There are ...来询问描述名词的复数。 3.情感态度目标: 通过学习本课,提高学生对英语日常用语的使用兴趣。 4.学习策略:通过TPR,小组学习,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,提高小组合作学习的能力,激发竞争意识。 重点: 掌握本单元的单词bird,egg,flower等的复数形式 以及seventeen,eighteen,nineteen 功能句型How many ...are there? There are ... 难点: 正确认读的读birds,eggs,flowers的读音是/z/,monkeys的读音是/s/,能区分两种读音。 教学准备: 单词卡片,光盘,多媒体,PPT. 教学方法: 情景教学法 教学过程: Greeting and Warm-up 1) Sing a song 2) Review the numbers from one to sixteen 3) Try to sing the first part of the song. (If they can not,tell them we will learn it next time.) 2 .Lead in 实物展示 复习句型:What is this? What are these? It is_____ They are _____ 引入句型:How many _____are there? There are _____. Presentation 1,Watch the video and catch what the characters said. 2,Have the children look at the PPT. Teacher tells a story about these pictures.(在逐图讲解的时候张贴展示卡片) 3,Answer some questions: How many birds are there? --There are three. How many eggs does Mike find? --There are five. How many flowers are there?--There are seventeen. How many eggs are there?--There are eighteen. 4,Watch the video again and let the students read after it. 分角色朗读课文。 Conclusion Let us chant. How many birds are there? There are three.There are three. How many eggs are there? There are five.There are five. How many flowers are there? There are seventeen.There are seventeen. How many crocodiles are there? There are two.Big and Small. 5. Set homework 1,回家认真听读本节课内容。 2,熟读本节课内容。 板书设计: Lesson 16 Numbers 17-19 seventeen,eighteen,nineteen How many ...are there? There are ...

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