
Lesson 2 What are you going to do tomorrow? 课件(13张PPT)+教案+音视频

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:55次 大小:4088679Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Lesson 2 What are you going to do tomorrow? 教材分析 This is the second lesson in this book. The focus of teaching is in the general future, so improving the students’ abilities of listening and speaking on the sentence pattern of “What are you going to do tomorrow?” and “We are doing to help mother do housework.” is very important. 教学目标 【知识目标】 1. 学习一般将来时态的句型,理解其含义,掌握其用法。??? What?are?you?going?to?do?tomorrow??? ?We’re?going?to?help?mother?do?the?housework.??? 2.?理解会说会用会写有关家务劳动的单词? 【能力目标】 掌握一般将来时的句型和用法 【情感目标】 鼓励学生学习做家务,助人为乐。 教学重难点 【教学重点】 一般将来时的基本句型“What are you going to do…?”和“We are going to …”来表达将要做某事。 【教学难点】 能自如运用表示做家务的词组来表达将要做某事。. 课前准备 Tape recorder, Multimedia 教学过程 Step 1.复习be going to 句型 Step 2. Warm-up Ask what are the students going to do if today is Sunday? Students can answer questions according to the picture tips Step 3. Listening and vocabulary Play the recording in activity 1 and ask the students to listen and check new words Play it again and ask the students to check the words they hear. Check the answers with the whole students. Step 3. Listen and read Listen to the recordings again, and ask the students read the text in their roles. Step 4. New Presentation Explaining the meaning and usage of the new words, and the key sentence patterns and general future usage in this course Step 5. Task 1. The teacher shows the picture of doing the housework, such as do the house work, do the washing, clean the room, mop the floor. 2. Let the students make dialogues on the basis of the picture content. 3. Practice. Step 6. 学习help的用法。 T: Here we have a phrase--“help …do…”(出示短语意思帮助某人做某事) For example, (出示小女孩帮助老爷爷过马路的图片)-- help the Grandpa cross the street (出示小女孩帮助奶奶做家务的图片)--help the grandma do the housework Step 7 Game 1. 教师邀请一个学生到讲台前给其他同学做动作。其他同学说出短语名称,复习完了,两人一组,互问互答。 For example: S1:?What?are?you?going?to?do?tomorrow?? S2:? I’m?going?to?read?a?book.? S1:? What?are?you?going?to?do?tomorrow??? S2:? I’m?going?to?go?to?school.? 教学反思 本课设计时教学思路清晰,层次分明,上课过程中设计了各种激趣的小游戏,与将重点句型用chant串联起来,增加课堂的趣味性,激发学生的学习兴趣。但是课堂操练多为机械性练习,不利于发挥学生的主观创造性。 课件13张PPT。 Warm-upToday is Sunday, I’m going to…?Learn to swimRead booksPlay basketballWatch TVPlay footballPresentationIt’s a map of China Do you like China? Please give me your reason.1. Read the text with the tape. 2. Act it out with your partner.Be going to do sth 表示打算做某事 Be动词包括am ,is ,are Eg:1. I’m going to do some washing. 2. He is going to do some shopping. 3. What are you going to do? 4. I’m going to see a film this Sunday. 短语Do the housework 做家务Do the washingClean the roomMop the floorTask Help的用法: 1、sb help ... ...

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