

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:25次 大小:30280Byte 来源:二一课件通
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四川南充星火中学2019年秋季英语期中试卷 (满分100分) 一、 单项选择。 (10分) ( )1. This is _____ useful book. I want to buy it. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( )2. Jerry, what do you usually do _____ Saturday evening? A. in B. on C. at D. of ( )3.— What day is it today? — It’s Wednesday. And the next day is _____. A. Monday B. Thursday C. Friday D. Saturday ( )4.— Jeff, do you like history? — Yes. It’s my favorite _____. A. color B. sport C. food D. subject ( )5.— You look really _____ in that black T-shirt, John. — Thank you. A. short B. fat C. cool D. old ( )6.— John, are you _____ this afternoon? — Yes. Let’s play basketball. A. right B. free C. tidy D. happy ( )7.— When does your school _____ in the afternoon? — At 4:00. And after school I always play soccer with my friends. A. have B. take C. know D. finish ( )8. We only have one music _____ in a week. A. teacher B. book C. lesson D. room ( )9.— _____ do you like Mrs. Yang? — Because she is fun. A. Why B. When C. What D. Who ( )10.— I think Ms. Cao is great fun. — _____. All her students like her. A. That’s for sure B. That sounds fun C. You’re welcome D. I don’t know 二、 完形填空。 (10分) Dear Linda, I’m happy to get your e-mail. I’m now 11 a new school. Let me tell you about my 12 . My math teacher is Mr. Green. He is 13 , so he always wears (穿) a big shirt. My 14 teacher is Miss White. She has many English CDs. My music teacher is a young man called Jack. He likes wearing a white T-shirt and he 15 very cool. Mrs. Black is my science teacher. She is old, but 16 classes are very interesting. My P.E. teacher is Mr. Smith. He can 17 all kinds of balls. My favorite teacher is Miss Jones— my art teacher, 18 she is great fun. 19 is your favorite teacher? Please write to tell me. Your 20 , Alice ( )11. A. with B. on C. in D. for ( )12. A. schools B. teachers C. subjects D. lessons ( )13. A. fat B. small C. old D. busy ( )14. A. history B. geography C. English D. Chinese ( )15. A. sees B. thinks C. sounds D. looks ( )16. A. his B. their C. her D. our ( )17. A. play B. buy C. have D. find ( )18. A. if B. because C. but D. so ( )19. A. What B. When C. Where D. Who ( )20. A. student B. brother C. classmate D. friend 三、 阅读理解。 (20分) A Dear parents, Do you want a tutor (家教) for your daughter or your son? Think about me! My name is Fiona. I’m a student of Chicago University. I study music. And I’m good at this subject. I can help your kids with it. I’m a Chinese girl. So I can also teach them some Chinese. I’m fun. Your kids will enjoy my classes for sure. I have time in the afternoon from Monday to Saturday. My class is 15 dollars every hour. And it is usually two hours. Do you need my help? Call me at 662-3347. You can write me an email too. My email address is chinesefiona@gmail.com. Best wishes! Fiona 根据文章内容,选择最佳答案。 ( )21. Fiona wants to be a(n) _____ tutor. A. math B. English C. history D. music ( )22. 划线单词enjoy的汉语意思是“_____”。 A. 喜欢 B. 怀念 C ... ...

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