
优质课Unit3 Is this your pencil Section A Grammar Focus 3a-3c 公开课课件+ 同步练习(含答案)+ 语法微课

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:45次 大小:19439333Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit3 Is this your pencil? Section A Grammar Focus 3a-3c同步练习 一. 单项选择 ?(? ) 1. Is this your pencil ? Yes, it is’t. ? ? B. No, it is.? ? ?C. No, it isn’t .? ?(? )2.What color? ? ??your pencil、 are??????? ? B. is???????? ? C.? am ?( ? ) 3.?? ?? ?in?the pencil case ? ??? ? ? ———A pencil, two erasers and three pens. What’s ? ? B. How’s? ? C. What ?(? ) 4. Who’s??? ???girl over there ? ??? ? ? She’s my good?friend . ?????? ? A. that? ? ? B. this? ? ? C.it 二.用所给单词的适当形式填空。 ???? ? ? ? my? ? his? your? her? me? it ?Tom﹕Excuse? 1 ??, Mary.Is this? 2? pencil ? ?Mary﹕No, 3 ??? isn’t. Ask Jane. I think it is?? 4 ??? pencil . ?Tom﹕Is this? 5 ??? pengcil,Jane ? ?Jone﹕No, 6 ??? pengcil is in the pencil case.Ask Tim.?7 ??pencil is red. ?? 1.?? ? ??2.?? ???3.?? ??4.? ? ??5.?? ??6.?? ? ??7.? ? ? Unit3 Is this your pencil? Section A Grammar Focus 3a-3c同步练习答案 一、1、C 2、B 3、A 4、A 二、1、me 2、your 3、it 4、her 5、your 6、my 7、His 课件42张PPT。新目标人教版Go for it 七年级上 Unit3 Is this your pencil? Section A Grammar Focus 3a-3c 语法课公开课Let's enjoy the video.Sing with it and tell me what you can see in the video?Let's play a game.Who’s the quickest? 比比谁最快?Show me your…a pencila pena booka schoolbaga dictionaryA:What’s this? an eraserB:It’s a/an ….A:What’s that?B:It’s a/an ….an erasera pencil boxa rulerA:What are these? B:They are ….pencilsschoolbagspencil boxesdictionariesA:What are those? B:They’re … .pencil boxeserasersrulersIs this your book?Yes,_____. It’s __ book.it ismy_____.minemine =my bookIs that your pencil box?No, _____. It’s her_____it isn’tpencil box_____.hershers =her pencil boxIs this your ruler?No, _____. It’s his_____.it isn’truler____. his his =his bookAre these my books?Yes, _____. They’re ____ books.they areyour_____. yours yours =your booksA: Is this/that an eraser?B: Yes, it is.A: Is that/this a dictionary?B: No, it isn’t . It’s a ruler.A: Are these schoolbags?B: Yes, they are.A: Are those books?B: No, they aren’t. They are pencils.Let's practice.A: Excuse me. Is this your …? B: Yes, it is. It’s mine. Thank you. A: Is that your...? B: No, it isn't. It's his/hers. A: Are these your…? B: Yes, they are. They’re mine. A: Are those your...? B: No, they aren't. They are his/hers.Pair -workTranslation: 这是你的铅笔吗?是的,它是。是我的。 Is this your pencil? Yes, it is. It’s mine. 2.那是你的书包吗?不,不是。是他的。 Is that your schoolbag? No, it isn’t. It’s his. 3.这些是你的书吗?不,不是。是她的。 Are these your books? No, they aren’t. They are hersPut some things into the teacher’s box. 在老师的盒子里放一些物品。GAME 游戏 找主人。3cTake something out of the box and find the owner. You only have two guesses! 从盒子里 取出物品并找到它们的主人。你只有两次猜测机会!3cWho is the owner (主人) ?Is this your book ?Yes, it is. It is my book.No, it isn’t. It is his book. her book. mineyourshishers/ that总结:名词性物主代词= 形容词性物主代词+名词possessive pronouns ... ...

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